Friday, January 13th, 2012

Quick post to mention that my US-trip is almost over and soon I will be home in New Zealand. My last week here is really hectic and then I will be travelling for two days so I might not be around much in the next week though I will still work on replying to Narcissus from Hybris. Tomorrow when my brain works.

Sorry I have been so on and off lately. Thus is the way vacations work when you have chronic fatigue syndrome and you want to spend what little energy you do have on spending time with your family you never see. Fun fun!

Looking forward to being home where I have nothing to do but hermit away on the internet ;)

I get back to Christchurch on the 19th (18th here in USland) and will be functioning again by the next day, yay! In the meantime I can still be reached by email except when I am flying! :X!

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