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Montenegro University

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I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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[14 Jun 2012|04:54pm]

Nyx is here to join the English Department as a professor, though not everyone may want to take her class. She has a huge fondness of the Gothic genre and teaches with a focus on Sexuality and Gender studies in Literature. Also she tries to keep all of her classes in the evening (you might rarely see her teaching a class during the day--but she is not very good during these times and is just short of injecting her veins straight with caffeine with all of her copious coffees and energy drinks).

In this life she is Alice Santana Coleman, the product of a wanna-be rock star (who really was just a talentless hack who wanted the fame and glory) and his desperately ignorant wife; so go ahead and guess who she was named after. She's recently moved her with her six-year-old daughter, Nikki, after some interesting adventures in England, sibling-hunting with her brother and teaching at a college in her hometown: where she had acquired some interesting nicknames for her nightly and Gothic preferences.

Her powers are~
HELL HATH NO FURY | Not even Zeus had it in him to test the anger of Nyx, and in Alice she has that same powerful presence. One look from a displeased or angry Alice and the person will feel it to their core, they are still very capable of deciding for themselves if they wish to push it any further but her anger will only drive into them deeper the more they go on. This power is further amplified for children and reach a terror-inducing and crushing degree when it is in regards to her own children.

NIGHT'S LADY | Just as she was able to coax Erebus (darkness) out, those who are creatures of the night/darker personalities often feel compelled to adhere to her wishes.

DARKNESS | Everywhere Alice it would appear as though darkness tries to follow her; the lights dim or shadows thicken or whathaveyou. It isn't terribly noticeable, unless you're taking care to notice, but it is definitely there.

Feel free to read more about her here, but be warned it's very tl;dr. >:


HEY GIRL HEY [14 Jun 2012|07:49pm]
It's Emma one last time! This is Lilth aka Mena Kildare! She is brand spanking new to the university this summer. All of her FUN SUPER AWESOME INFORMATION can be found here. And since all the cool kids are doing it, here is a list of her powers:

Shut Up Already: Babies hate Mena. When they are in her presence, they cry/wail and will not stop until she has left. And, oh, the sound of a baby crying is worse than nails on a chalkboard to her. It has been known to leave her incapacitated. Her and babies just don't mix.

Desire: No matter the myth, it seems Lilith has always been held up as a desirable woman and the same can be said for Mena. People seem to find her desirable, especially sexually. This happens more so to men and mainly with non incarnates. She has no control over it and the level of desire varies from person to person. It's actually a real pain in the ass.

Wings: Well. She doesn't really have wings in this life, but she does have the beginnings of them. Under her skin just below her shoulder blades, she has bony prominence of where her wings would have grown. They are quite noticeable and up until her coming out as an incarnate, they have always been attributed to a birth defect. She has no plans to have them surgically removed.

I want all your plots kthnxbye.

; [14 Jun 2012|08:33pm]

Dropping is never a happy time, but for the moment, I'll have to let Loki and Mammon go. Things just aren't happening for me with them, and I would prefer if someone else did them justice. But tyty for all the interactions and fun I've had with them!

Hopefully this will help me with my slowness. I'll be getting back up to speed today!

Disabling comments because lsjhsljsls guilt. ;_;

[14 Jun 2012|08:46pm]

Jackie here, checking in with the new brat. This is Nanna - or, as she's known this time around, Providenza Pirozzo. She's the shiniest and newest of all the shiny, new things. Freshly off of an international flight and barely unpacked.

Denny was born with heart problems that would keep her in and out of the hospital for the majority of her life, until she received a heart transplant at nineteen. (Her heart was broken. Get it? We're referencing all over the place here. We're so savvy.) She figured out who she was after her operation, though she's known that she was a reincarnate since she was young. Her Nonna, however, is very Catholic and isn't exactly thrilled that Providenza didn't have the consideration to be an angel or something respectable - so she hasn't had much of an opportunity to talk about the whole thing with anyone.

She's a total people-pleaser and something of a hopeless romantic - one of those girls who sit around listening to old men reminisce about their glory days and how beautiful their wives were the first time they saw them. There may or may not be very twitterpated sighing.

Anyway! Her powers are as follows:

. bleeding heart . Prodidenza feels what other people are feeling - especially grief, broken-heartedness, and pain. (The emotional kind, predominantly. But physical pain and emotional pain often come hand-in-hand, so that sucks too.) She shares in it easily and tends to excel at soothing it as well.

. the gift of giving . She knows what you want and knows exactly where and how to obtain it. It's seriously great for any gift-giving occasion. And if she can't find it? She will make it. Though if what she trying to make isn't intended for someone else? The skill set generally tends to fall through.

And the rest of her info's hanging out over here.

Things. Yes? Please and thank you! (OH. AGAIN. Roommates? If people need them?)

EDIT: OH. RIGHT. AND I MADE ONE OF THOSE THINGS. THE JOURNALY THINGS: [info]andwhyevernot There is nothing in it. But it is there.

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