Monarch'd IC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Monarch'd IC

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[06 May 2016|02:19am]
Ah, spring. One of my favorite times of the year, and I'm not just saying that because the Ball of Orchids is coming up.

I know some people get terribly stressed by party-planning, but darn if it isn't one of the parts of the party I love. It's like sculpting a masterwork out of clay.

My media appearance roster is now up on the Sinclair Family website; I'll be spending all next week at court with my dear family and making an appearance at the Homeless Charity Gala, which I encourage everyone to attend. But no actual homeless, please.
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[06 May 2016|07:40pm]
Who: Ginny and Jensigne.
What: Catching up.
Where: An inconspicuous cafe.
When: 5/6/16, afternoon.
Rating: PG-13

it had been forever since she had seen her friend. )
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[ viewing | May 6th, 2016 ]
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