Monday, February 4th, 2008

Modly Question of the Week

It's a little late because of the Superbowl yesterday, but I'm trying to get back on track with a weekly question. So here's this week's!

What are some foolproof advertising methods you've used in the past, especially during a slow time of year (such as winter)?
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Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Modly Question of the Week

What sort of exceptions have you made for players? Have you reconsidered a minimum age rule because a player seemed mature enough? Have you extended posting deadlines or lowered posting regulations? Spill it all here.

Also, if you have an Lj account you'll know that Modly Advice is also on Lj, under the same username. My hope is to eventually complete the transfer from Lj to Ij.

Xposted to Lj
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