May. 17th, 2010


The Moderators Guide to Roleplay is a group commonly known as the best guide to roleplay from a moderators point of view in existence, and also an invaluable resource for moderators of the Milky Way. It's moderated itself so the content remains both helpful and civil, and can be as specific or anon as you like. It also gives moderators a place to get numerous opinions on dealing with game/player issues and, most importantly, the importance of how to mix specific/incredibly dangerous alcoholic beverages. This group, in popularity and morality, surpassed The Bible as the standard reading material of roleplay life. Some of the chief reasons this group surpasses The Bible, Encyclopedia Drammatica and 53 More Trends For PB Games as the standard group of all roleplay life are...

1. It's for moderators only and completely civil.
2. Moderators can vent, ask questions, out thieves with documented proof, ask about prospective players, warn other mods about troublesome players with proof, discuss new ideas, and even receive invaluable advice and feedback from other mods.
3. It's slightly easier to read.
4. It has the words Don't Panic! printed in large friendly letters right up there ↑.
5. It does not offend non-Christians or Christians for that matter but it offends everyone equally.
6. It is as if ~modcooperative and ~rpvents came together and had a love child. With ~rp_tutorials as the cool Auntie.
7. It contains The Answer to Roleplay Life, The Roleplay Universe, and Everything Roleplay. A glaring omission of The Bible.

In order to view the contents of this wholly remarkable group, you must first be a moderator of a current or prospective rpg. It will not be open to the general roleplayer public as this is not ~quitroleplay or ~rpvents and will not be used primarily as such. As the moderators of TMGTR, we reserve the right to delete any post we see as uncivil to other moderators/roleplayers. Basically, if you act like a complete Vogon or show us you cannot act mature and diplomatic, we're going to remove you. So, with all that said, if you would like to help fellow mods, and even help yourself, comment to this post with your name/game/mod email to be added. All inquiries and concerns are to reply here as well. Comments screened.

May 2010


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