Monday, May 24th, 2010

WHO: Kenzie Addison & Andy Donaghy
WHAT: Chatting, snuggling, Kenzie needs to tell Andy she can't come around anymore
WHERE: Kenzie's place
WHEN: Monday evening 24 May
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: Nakedness! Lesbians! Snogging!/Soft R/Finished log

not bothering to get dressed, kenzie took a running leap into her bed, bouncing next to andy )
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Monday, May 17th, 2010


To: Eli Blake
From: Lindsay

You did get home all right, didn't you? No panty raids at your place by overzealous officers of the law?

To: Kiki Addison
From: Lindsay

Where the fuck is my dry cleaning? Also, don't go bringing anymore strays home unless they're Easterners. I don't want to deal with the bureaucratic headaches.
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Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

Text to Kiki Addison

To: Kiki
From: Lindsay

Answer your freaking phone. Did you get the mail? And water the plants? Lock Blaine out? If he has a girl there I want pictures.
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Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

text message

TO: Andy Donaghy
FROM: Kenzie Addison

apparently the outside of my house is going to be in home and gardens. i hope this is stupid i hope you dont think im a pretentious git because of this i had to hide my bike yo
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Saturday, March 20th, 2010

i love being on the list and hanging with the band!

about 45 minutes ago via web
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Thursday, March 18th, 2010



I just wanted to apologise for scarpering like I did last night. I wish we could've kept talking. Did you guys make it out okay? When are you playing next? I'd love to see you again.

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WHO: Andy Donaghy and Kenzie Addison
WHAT: Pre-riot concert going and flirting.
WHERE: Williamsburg Music Hall
WHEN: Just before and after Wednesday's LML set.
RATING: PG-13? Drinking and mild flirting and that's about it.

Even taking into account it was St. Patrick's Day and just about everyone from every district was out and about the turnout was good. Impressive even. Their gear was set on stage and she had time for one more quick drink before the break was up. )
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