Sunday, July 25th, 2010


TO: [those of the Tome Raids weekly meetings who showed interest in helping to put together an independent newsletter; feel free to add your character to the list/take your character off as necessary]
FROM: "Ahdaf al-Qadummi"
SUBJECT: Newsletter news. )
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Wednesday, June 9th, 2010


To: "Nolan McCarthy", "Max Yorke", "Margaret Yazzie", "Joseph Yazzie", "Dr. Charley Thurlow", "Noah Locke", "Leo Oakley", "Lillian Poole", "Camille Knight", "Dr. Andrew Lamb", "Falcon Archer", "Ramona Lamb", "Murdock Jones", "Shin-Hua Kim", "Ettie Pierce", "Violet Lyon", "Zandile Zwane", "Damon Rogers"
From: "Ahdaf al-Qadummi"
Subject: A few items )

OOC: I took down these names from the original OOC post re: the last meeting at Tome Raiders; this is by no means a definitive list, and if you would like your character to receive this e-mail, just say so and consider it done. Furthermore, if your character would not have shared her/his e-mail with anyone that might have given it to Ahdaf, also say so, and I will nix them from the list.
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Tuesday, May 25th, 2010


TO: Damon Rogers
FROM: Salem Harvard

Where are you?
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