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Wednesday, February 10th, 2010
10:31a - Dr. Who job opportunity
From this morning's Big Finish feed:

"Big Finish are proud to announce a new series of short-story collections starring the Doctor and his companions. Each CD will feature eight brand-new adventures, read by well-known actors and written by...

... you?

Submissions please!

It doesn't matter whether or not you've been published before, but submissions will only be accepted from people who have never written anything for Big Finish. If your story is chosen, you will work with an editor to get the story ready for publication. You will receive the standard author’s contract and rates of pay. Remember, this is a short story, not a play. It should be no more than 2,500 words in length.

Classic Doctors... brand new adventures

You can make use of any of the first eight Doctors. You can also use any of the classic television companions (up to and including Ace) and any of the Big Finish companions. You cannot use either the Ninth, Tenth or Eleventh Doctors, nor their companions, nor any other of the Doctor’s past friends and enemies. No Daleks, no Cybermen, no Time Lords, no Drashigs or Slitheen etc. Your story should be wholly original.

Send your story in the body of an email (no attachments please), with the title in the subject line, to shorttrips@bigfinish.com by 29th March 2010. Entries must be by email only. If you do not have internet access at home (how are you reading this anyway?), you will have to use a friend's access or visit an internet cafe. Please include a short paragraph telling us a little bit about yourself and your writing history.

The first CD is scheduled for release in late 2010."

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