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Wednesday, June 4th, 2008
10:12a - Mary Sues
A day or so ago I skimmed a new book that I was half inclined not to read because it is one of a series and the last few have been less than satisfactory. (This author has never been on my friends list and will never read this, by the way.) I didn't like the book. The kiss of death for me was that I started reading the author's blog, which I stopped doing because it became too annoying.

It was a shock to discover that her hero was a Mary Sue - oh other people had said that and I kind of saw it. It wasn't until I read her blog that I realized the two voices were exactly the same. Plus I realized why no other characters were developed. The spotlight, in her books and life, was squarely on herself. Her first 4 or 5 books had plot, character development and interesting characters. All that has dropped by the wayside. Before I started reading her blog, I thought that it was a series she was tired of writing but it turns out she just is now completely focused on her Mary Sue and thinks she knows what her readers want even though they tell her plot and character development are missing.

This of course caused me to rethink my writing. Do my characters sound just like me? Do the secondary characters exist to make my Mary Sue look even better? I don't know.

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