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"Personally, I like to gauge my alert system with the mischief terror alert system, which begins at shenanigans, then passes through chicanery, tomfoolery, sneak-thievery, ballyhoo, malarkey, and if there's a full moon, skullduggery."
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on February 21st, 2008 @ 4:27pm

Ew another mod post.

We don't have a Sailor Moon now because she was too busy or something like that.
Thus the plot thread that was going to happen does not happen yet
THUS Donnie doesn't get to use his creepy monsters yet
THUS Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus will be the next to awaken
THUS Foxglove gets to show her stuff
THUS I will hopefully be able to post up a recruitment thread for Foxglove before I post the awakening thread. If not me then one of the other mods will do it OR Foxglove-s could start her own thread for recruitment and The Ending could go and invade her space there.

I think thats it. Does anyone have any questions? ANY QUESTIONS? If you do then please reply here or send an IM to one of us mods.

Time change post to follow soon as well as me updating the Characters page.

Apparently I was dumb and forgot to add some people. Sorry about that babies!

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Posted by The OOC Crowd on February 18th, 2008 @ 8:43pm
Update on the mini-hiatus: I am feeling better... Or at least, it no longer feels like Death is standing behind me, reading Cosmo! while patiently waiting for my downfall.

I should be more active this week, although make-up work from school and the start of musical rehearsals won't guarantee that. I'll definitely try to reply to threads and such when I can, though!

♥ Indy-shaped
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on February 18th, 2008 @ 7:24pm

Hey there lovelies.

First: Update your friends lists!

Moving on:

I am a little iffy about moving us on to week two but if everyone is feeling up to it then we should press on. I don't want this board to die just because some people didn't post when it was needed. Remember: If you need to go on hiatus then either IM a mod or leave a comment in the box. We don't like wondering where our Moon and Donnie Plague are if they don't even bother to post in the plot thread that was set up for them. We shouldn't have to track you down just to get you to post in the thread you said you would post in. Thus we are moving on and awakening Mars and Venus next using the villain Foxglove which means we will do your recruitment thread <3

Please, for the love of god, if you have any questions then we will address them HERE.

We lost our moon so that pep rally thread never happened, basically. :/
Time change to come later today.
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on February 10th, 2008 @ 5:16pm

Sailor Moon? Where are you? Donnie Plague? You two will be needed for separate threads this week! One recruitment, one awakening! Just letting you know <3
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on February 8th, 2008 @ 11:22am

Please enjoy what could have been Sailor Moon if the company had kept on doing crack.

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Posted by The OOC Crowd on February 7th, 2008 @ 9:40am

Oh shit! It's doctor Tran!

No, no it's just a mod post. SORRY BABES.

First and foremost:
Welcome Sailor Moon and Sailor Saturn! I don't feel like typing up PB names because I am the lazy mod but you'll be fine! Sailor Saturn will be added as well, as soon as she does the membership, yay! Everyone do the welcoming dance!

I would like to thank everyone for applying and actually wanting to be a part of this game. It warms my cold, cold heart. Haha!

Oliver at Extended play!
A thread for Thaddeus kids.
A thread for Marina students.

Of course you aren't obligated to post in those threads, feel free to start your own threads as well, babes! And since we got our Sailor Moon something will most likely be going down next week (real time) which will include the awakening of our moon princess, yay! After her awakening the rest of the Senshi and Shitennou will follow and it will most likely be in two's or three's and HOPEFULLY we get some civilians too. Fingers crossed!

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Posted by The OOC Crowd on February 3rd, 2008 @ 2:26pm

Oh shit! An OOC post!

Hello all of you beautiful people and welcome to MLS. I'm seriously in awe that so many people wanted to join so my day has been made! Anyway, down to business!

First of all )

Now onto the second order of business:
+ Because I couldn't think of a way to fit it all in to the information I can tell you this stuff right now!
-Spheres: The spheres of each senshi/shitennou will sometimes be able to leak out when they aren't transformed but not in such a big way that it will be noticeable to anyone else but the other senshi/shitennou. Example: Tallulah gets angry at someone for stealing her shit and all of a sudden the electricity shorts out - stuff like that.

-Awakenings: Sailor Moon will be the first Senshi to awaken (isn't she special!), though depending on the patience and thoughts of everyone else, more senshi can be awakened at the same time! It won't happen right away as we want to give all of the characters time to settle in to their first day back to school.

I couldn't think of another name for it so I stole from Buffy! The senshi will have a watcher and she will basically work like Luna only she won't be a cat. She WILL have the ability to transform and inconvenience all of the senshi in one way or another. The senshi will be put through training so they don't keep going off into battle without knowing what the hell to do. I'm still toying with the idea of the shitennou having a watcher so I would love for some input on that as well.

-Time change: We went over the time change in the rules but just to be sure:
*Time change lasts for two weeks
*The date as well as what days will be played will be posted in the Time Change post
*The weather for that week will be posted as well as a small bit of news
*You need at least one post per two weeks but more posts are always welcome <3
*Recaps will be made just because I thought it was a cool idea on [info]arillius.

-St. Marina's/ Thaddeus
I was thinking that these two schools could possibly be rivals in the name of sports and academics because rivals are fun and awesome. St. Marina's is this fancy private school that takes in foreign exchange students and is probably at the top of its game in everything and the school looks like a CASTLE (and they wear uniforms of course)! Thaddeus is a public school where the dress code is more lax and some of the students may or may not go around thinking that Marina's is just a place for stuck up bitches. - your thoughts?

something fun, HENSHIN SEQUENCE!
It isn't mandatory but I thought it would be fun to write out your own little henshin sequence for your senshi with your own brand of theme music.

I think thats it!

Questions, comments, ideas? The floor is open!
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on January 31st, 2008 @ 3:28am

OOC Comm
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