Miyako High -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[ OOC - Baaack! [24 May 2008|05:48am]
[ music | LM.C - Mr Century ]

After a very, very long night of killing fifty different viruses and then having to format the computer anyway, [info]aragaki and me are back in the game. :3

New AIM! Never tried this version before. Anyone wanna play Puzzle Dasher? :X

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Welcome New Friends Yes? [24 May 2008|07:23am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Welcome all new people! Everyone nice so have fun!

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Bleh [24 May 2008|09:31am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Liar Liar - LM.C ]

Why are the maps of this school confusing?

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Stuff brought back for people~ [24 May 2008|06:26pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Dir en grey - The Final ]

[left outside of people's doors - if your living situation is complicated then just pretend you magically got it or sth >>;]

Note on top of everybody's. )

For Reina )

For Ivy )

For Kumi )

For Yamapi )

For Koki )


Anyone want some sweets from the states? I brought waaaay too much back with me. @_@

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[ viewing | May 24th, 2008 ]
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