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Go Tigers (reclaim) [19 May 2008|03:02pm]
Muses Name: Im Taebin (Danny)
Muses band/solo: 1TYM
Muses LJ: [info]dannyurboy
Muses AIM sn: dannyurboy

Grade: 12
Age: 18
Activities: Pool team, music club.

I'm back due to some pestering by my best friend. Hmm I wonder if anyone remembers me.
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[19 May 2008|07:31pm]
Where did summer suddenly come from? It was only new years last week..it feels that way :/
I have my plans sorted out now. We're splitting summer between visiting our parents and fitting in some beach trips too. It should be great fun.
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[ viewing | May 19th, 2008 ]
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