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Go Tigers! [17 Mar 2008|05:09pm]
Muses Name: Ikuta Toma
Muses band/solo: Johnny's entertainment
Muses LJ: [info]tantei_toma
Muses AIM sn: IkutaTooman

Grade: 10
Age: 16
Activities: Soccer team (midfield), Drama club, Dance club, and choir.
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Drop. [17 Mar 2008|05:49pm]
Sorry, Yume and Lim Eunkyoung are out of the game.
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Chyahh. Go Tigers! [17 Mar 2008|08:53pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

Muses Name: Xie He Xian (A Chord)
Muses band/solo: Actor
Muses LJ: [info]sharkboy
Muses AIM sn: chord4president

Grade: 10th
Age: 15
Activities: Music club, band, photography club

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[ viewing | March 17th, 2008 ]
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