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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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Go Tigers! [30 Jan 2008|01:57am]
Muses Name: Fujiwara Tatsuya
Muses band/solo: Actor
Muses LJ: [info]fujita
Muses AIM sn: askforTatsuya

Grade: 11
Age: 17
Activities: soccer, drama club.
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Roomies [30 Jan 2008|09:44am]
Finally know who my roomies are! Party! Well I wanna party. So are there any clubs around here?
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New clothes [30 Jan 2008|02:06pm]
[ mood | busy ]

I want to get some new clothes.Where the cheapest, but nice place to get some new gear?

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[30 Jan 2008|03:37pm]
Hey everyone! For those who don't know me, my name is Chaeyeon. ^^ I'm seventeen, and a senior here at Miyako High. I've been attending this school since my freshman year, and I am so glad that when my parents offered me a chance to go home to Korea, that I stayed here. All my friends are amazing, and all the people are awesome. PLUS; Our Headmaster is super sexy.

Currently I work on the Japanese music show, J M C as a VJ on the weekend airings. Occasionally I get to interview celebrities, and this weekend I happen to be interviewing the AMAZING Yoshiki (ex XJapan) anyone who doesn't know who he is, is living under a rock; and I am extremely excited/nervous. (Thank goodness I am bringing Miki 'cause I don't think I could do it alone.)

After graduation, I plan to try and break into the music scene, but also stay on J M C as a full time weekly VJ.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself to those who don't know me, or may have forgotten about me (haha).
V I S U A L of M O I )

Feel free to say 'hey' and add me as a friend!~
I love meeting new people! xoxoxoxoxo.

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Go Tigers! [30 Jan 2008|04:03pm]
Muses Name: Shimizu Takuya
Muses band/solo: UVERworld
Muses LJ: [info]ubertakuya
Muses AIM sn: uvertaku

Grade: 10
Age: 16
Activities: Basketball, music club, Martial arts club.
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