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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[15 Dec 2007|07:56am]
[ mood | bouncy ]

I wonder where the best place to buy gifts? I've decided
I am going to make some of my gifts. I bake or cook something,but
I need to buy a cook book. Does anyone know where I can get one at
a reasonble price?

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Go Tigers! [15 Dec 2007|12:29pm]
Muses Name: Brian Joo
Muses band/solo: Fly to the Sky/solo
Muses LJ: thebrian
Muses AIM sn: brianjintaekjoo

Grade: 11
Age: 17
Activities: Track and Field, Choir, and Dance club (hip hop)
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Go tigers ! [15 Dec 2007|11:55pm]
Muses Name: Kim youngoon
Muses band/solo: Super Junior
Muses LJ: kingracoon
Muses AIM sn: kingracoon

Grade: 12
Age: 18
Activities: Radio DJ, school vice president
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[ viewing | December 15th, 2007 ]
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