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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[13 Dec 2007|07:28am]
Muse's Name: Miyavi
Muse's Band: Solo/S.K.I.N
Muse's IJ: meeves_secrets
Muse's AIM: tsukikia

Grade: 11
Age: 17
Activities: Soccer team for now.

I thought I posted this but I guess not XD
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Go tigers! [13 Dec 2007|08:22pm]
Muses Name: Han Geng
Muses band/solo: Super Junior
Muses LJ: [info]hangengai
Muses AIM sn: hangenglove

Grade: 11
Age: 17
Activities: Member of the Martial arts club, dance club and Homemaker's club
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[ viewing | December 13th, 2007 ]
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