January 3rd, 2009

[info]cast_no_shadow in [info]mistaken_pieces

Weekends are for catching up?

Who: Ariana, Danny || Danny/Tristan
Where: Muggle Studies classroom
When: 9/3/20, between breakfast and lunch
Status: Closed, completed
Warnings: R-rated; Hijacked post ventures into boy!smut

Summary: While Ari's working on some papers, she's visited by Danny. The two talk for a bit, mostly about Muggle studies but a bit about Hogwarts then and now before they're interrupted by Tristan. Tris was actually intending to raid the Muggle studies classroom but upon finding it occupied, pretends he was looking for Danny. He drags Danny out, and after explaining what he was really doing up there, offers Danny an out. The two chat, and the chatting turns to topics that land them up in Danny's room doing smutty things.

This teaching thing was tough )