Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG - March 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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March 12th, 2009

Hi there. [Mar. 12th, 2009|11:28 pm]
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Who: Chang Wufei and Alphonse Elric?
When: Sometime
What: Falling awake
Where: Somewhere
Rating: PG-15 for possible cursing?
Status: Incomplete

He was rather certain when he had fallen asleep, it had been in his own bed, in his own room, in his and Yui's house. Which was not where he was now. So either he was having an entirely too realistic dream, or he had been moved while he was asleep, which argued for forcible entry and drugs in his system because Gundam pilots, no matter how old did not sleep through people touching them.

The bullet holes in their bedroom attested to this. As did the numerous infractions on Yui's record for accidentally damaging idiotic nurses in the hospitals they ended up in while doing Une's dirty work.

Maybe he was hallucinating. It had happened before. Granted, he'd been heavily drugged by a fellow Preventor agent at the time, or under the influence of the Zero System, but it was still a possibility.

Too bad Yui didn't appear to be around. He could always tell if he was hallucinating by the other man's out of character reactions.
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