Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG - March 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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March 4th, 2009

[Mar. 4th, 2009|07:59 pm]


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-Who: Gray Harkness and Gwen Cooper
-What: A Safe Haven
-When: Sometime that day
-Where: Gray's room post library lizard fight
-Rating: PG-13 to be safe
-Status: Incomplete

As Gwen got the door of Gray's room open and them inside she knew she had to block the doors to keep the lizards out and them in one piece. So as she worked on blocking the door via boxes and various other ideas she had an idea. She knew Gray had to be able to trust her somehow so she ran with a pretty simple idea,"Your brother is one of my best friends and we work together" forgetting that her wedding ring could make a little kid curious at the same time. Having remembered something else she added,"There's an extra notebook in the desk if you want to use it" having hidden her private journal to be on the safe side. She also asked the planet for some food, having a weird feeling it would help things at the same time.

The fighter within her had taken over, scared kids always did that to her.
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