Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG - February 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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February 13th, 2009

[Feb. 13th, 2009|02:04 pm]


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Who: Luna Lovegood and Open (Doctor is he's game)
What: Luna Lands on the Planet
Rating: PG-13 Tops
Status: Incomplete

It had only been a few weeks since everything that happened at the Department of Mysteries and Luna was on a trip with her father at the end of the Hogwarts term. For a change the quirky teen was actually having some fun and able to focus on a current hurt for a crumpled horn snorkack when it happened. Luna had gone into the bushes to follow some tracks when she seemed to find herself in what felt different but looked very much like the forest she had been in. "But curious, a big blue box is nearby" she mused but that was before taking a wrong turn and landing into the lake (thank goodness her wand was high and dry, having landed in a bush near the lakeside).

But the splash alone would make anyone curious along with the rather large scar on Luna's hand (caused via Umbridge, a rather nasty period of time) as the now soggy young woman came out of the lake to locate her wand and use a drying charm. But the little radishes earrings that swung from her ears would make anyone curious at the same time as she hunted for her wand (and hopefully would find those Snorkack tracks).
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