Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG - January 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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January 19th, 2009

[Jan. 19th, 2009|01:54 am]


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Who: Sidney Prescott, OTA
When: Day 29, after greeting Astor
What: Sidney is Bored and has no idea others were kidnapped
Rating: PG-13 Tops
Status: Complete

After seeing Astor join the madness of the snowball fight (and getting in a couple of quick shots before it got too cold) Sidney slipped back inside to watch the mayhem unfold. "Oh man, someone cooked up a freaking canon that shoots snowballs!" she almost broke down laughing but did remember to ask,"Some coffee?" and found a steaming cup waiting by her windowside perch. She found her notebook and went back to work on an entry while getting a kick out of the scene outside,"Too cold but it is rather fun to watch and Astor is fitting in so far" seeing the younger girl among the fray.

Between sips she just watched the scene around her, being a student of human nature as well she was curious about the people the planet had grabbed (right now watching another woman writing in one of the notebooks and sipping coffee, the accent was different but made nothing of it).

"But why am I still seeing huge rabbits in my dreams?" she mused, not knowing anyone could hear her ongoing musing.
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A little exploring. [Jan. 19th, 2009|05:05 am]
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WHO: Mercy & OTA
WHAT: A little exploring.
WHEN: Day 29, Late afternoon.
WHERE: A path in the forest.
STATUS: Incomplete.

I'd like a doggy door please! )
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Open RP, Day 29 [Jan. 19th, 2009|05:57 pm]
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WHO: Haruka and OTA
WHAT: Haruka's found the snowmobiles^^
WHEN: Day 29, just after lunch
WHERE: Out in the snow
RATING: PG-13, just to be safe
STATUS: Incomplete.

Something she could race )
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I'll shack up in the library, thank you [Jan. 19th, 2009|07:14 pm]


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Who: The Doctor and OTA
When: During the Snowball fight
Where: In the library
Rating: None
Status: Complete
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