Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage RPG OOC

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New Player [Jan. 24th, 2009|04:05 am]
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Hey there!

Thought I'd introduce myself a bit. I just brought Max from Dark Angel into the game. She's one of my favorite characters ever, so I hope I do her justice! I've only ever been in 2 games before and one already died so.... I'm hoping for a better fit here!

My aim is Roanokeexpress21 if you want to plot for one of your characters and Max... Fun, interesting stories are always fun

Whoever's playing Dean... I kinda want to see what happens with the 2 of them because she will think he's a character from the fandom she come from (hehe... I love PB confusion!)

Later everyone!

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