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Character #3! [Jan. 16th, 2009|06:56 am]
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Hello all! This is Amy, and I'm intro-ing my third character, Vaarsuvius, the androgynous elven wizards from Order of the Stick, a fab webcomic that everyone should read, especially if you know anything about TRPGs/D&D.

Anyway, Vaarsuvius (aka V) will be coming in next day change, and hasn't tranced in oh, about a week. So s/he is on a wee bit of a hair trigger and rather annoyed at being pulled away from his/her important work trying to find his/her companions. Anyone wanna play greeter?

Oh, and one note. Canon-wise, V's gender has never been revealed and never will be. I don't intend to decide either. Other characters may decide they think V is either male or female, but s/he won't answer any questions about that. I'll try to use both pronouns (as I have here), but any accidental defaulting to one or the other should be seen as player error, and not any indication of actual gender.

Though V does have one. S/he's married.
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Intro! [Sep. 5th, 2008|07:08 am]
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Hey everyone, this is Amy ([info]seawinds), intro-ing my second character, Kibeth! Kibeth is from the Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix, a fab young adult series I highly recommend. Her profile is a bit spoilery, so avoid it if you wish.

She was a dog (kinda), but has recently decided to 'try on' human form for a while, right before the planet sucked her up. She's going to find Mirage a fascinating experience, and quite enjoy many things.

She's coming in on today's day change, so I'll probably post an arrival thread tonight or tomorrow.
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Intro Post! [Jul. 15th, 2008|10:09 pm]
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Heyla everyone! My name's Amy, and I'll be playing Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon. I've been away from journal rping for the past few months, but I'm really looking forward to getting to play with y'all! I'm mostly on in the evenings (EST), and most mornings, early before I go to work.

About my character... Well, she's a very mature young woman who's had to balance being an internationally famous violinist with being a destined Sailor senshi, and try to have a normal life at the same time. She's cool towards people she doesn't know and doesn't trust easily but she's a good person at heart. I'll be posting her bio shortly, though I warn y'all the history is long. I have a tendancy to be verbose when summarizing canon.

I'm holding to original (japaneese) anime canon for her character. None of that silly 'cousins' stuff. I've not read the entire manga sadly, as it tends to give me a headache.

And serious thanks to Sera Myu for putting Sailor Moon on stage and thus providing me with a PB!

EDIT to add: I'm on AIM as Aewaller04
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