Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

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Age of Miracles: The OOC Community


June 19th, 2008

Resources: Driving Times

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While I was looking up driving distances to Six Flags, I thought that I would let you know some OTHER important driving distances. I had them roughly estimated in the mod journal, so now here are some definite driving distances (from one town center to another, etc) for important places in the game. Salem Center is a tiny part of North Salem, so when I say North Salem, that's what I'm talking about.

North Salem : Location of Salem Center, Xavier's School, etc.
Poughkeepsie : Location of Vassar College, Rogue and John's apartment
Catskill Park : Location of THE LAIR. Yes, it has a location now!! It was going to be in Adirondack Park but that's WAY too far away.
New York City : Location of Worthington Tower, Stark Tower, Mars, and all those other locales in NYC.

I'm sure there are other locations (like White Plains) but I don't remember what's IN those locations. So I will take additions to this list!

North Salem to Poughkeepsie : 56 minutes
North Salem to Catskill Park : 1 hour, 44 minutes
North Salem to New York City : 1 hour, 18 minutes
Poughkeepsie to Catskill Park : 1 hour, 3 minutes
Poughkeepsie to New York City : 1 hour, 56 minutes
Catskill Park to New York City : 2 hours, 23 minutes

Long drives. :x But not drives that are totally absurd! Totally doable. :D This is just FYI!

February 9th, 2008

Mod Post: NPC Cast List

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Yo yo yo, folks. :D

Mel and I have decided to compile a full NPC cast list for AOM that will probably shift and change based on what's going on in the game----but most importantly, it's a list of who-owns-who so that people can reference it, and so that prospective players can see what characters and PBs are used as NPCs... and not JUST by the mod journal.

So! I know a lot of you have NPC characters, and before I compile the list I am asking everyone to please respond to this ASAP, with the following info for each NPC:

Player's Name:
Character's Name:
Role in Game:

And include a link to an icon that can be used. I won't make icons for you. Also, no "NPC" should have his/her own journal at this point. They're either played characters or they aren't. Most NPCs should be played on journals like [info]aom_npc_one, but some are played on character journals (like Julia Nielsen on [info]miss_gossip). If the NPC is played from another character's journal, please specify whose journal it normally is.

For example:

Player's Name: K.D.
Character's Name: Eleanor Zylstra
Codename: Pulse
Role: Previously utilized in the X-Gene Compendium plot as an unwilling pawn of Dr. Zachary Ives. Currently leaves in peace and quiet... for now.
Location: Manhattan, NYC
Age: 24
X-Gene: Emits a strong psionic pulse that triggers the x-genes of mutants, deactivating them and making them unable to be accessed
Journal: [info]miraculous_npc
PB: Rachael Stirling

Please get these to me by February 15! :D

December 16th, 2007

Sunday Special #33: What You Know

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Okay, maybe I'm selfish and just want everyone to have an excuse to do this. But I'm kickin' off our first InsaneJournal Sunday Special with an idea from Dan-2, who was awesome and posted about Jean-Paul. I think it's a WONDERFUL idea and that Sunday Special this week should be making these greatly informative posts. :)

So, what is it?
Like Dan said, AOM is a world where we know characters live and work together on a daily basis, but we don't see all of their interactions or conversations, so two characters who SHOULD know each other do their first scene and it's like they're strangers. So, it's a list of facts and tidbits about your character, categorized by which people would know which things.

What do I do?
Instead of the usual comment to this entry, make a backdated entry in your character's journal and then link to it here. That way, this information will be a lot more easily accessible than being in comments .. I think they'll be referenced pretty often. :)

The categories are as follows:

General Knowledge/Acquaintances
Close Friends
X-Men/Staff/Brotherhood/X-Factor/Coworkers/etc (can be omitted if you don't think your character has a category like this)
Currently Unknown
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