Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

August 19th, 2008

Age of Miracles: The OOC Community


August 19th, 2008


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Things have been exceptionally slow for Terry, Myself, and now Rahne for a while. I know that the Brotherhood has a hunt for Tabitha going and I want to shoot out a reminder that X-Factor is neutral (Despite everyone currently having ties to Xaviers) and that we would absolutely love to get in on any plots or take on any characters that are interested in detective work. I've been talking with Terry's player and we'd both love to make X-Factor a stronger presence in the game and would love to work with anyone on any plots. I know some people have hooked us up before; so if anyone is interested in an X-Factor anything feel free to IM me at Jason071601 and plot.

We'll try to get a little more active on our end (we know we've been slipping) and maybe even think up a plot or two to involve ourselves. For Terry's player and I these are our oldest and most loved characters. We wouldn't trade this game for anything and I think we should make sure everyone knows that too. Thanks for enduring my outburst. :)
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