Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

July 24th, 2008

Age of Miracles: The OOC Community


July 24th, 2008


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Sooo, my contract with my current job runs out in 185 hours and 10 minutes (not that I'm counting down or anything) and I'm fairly lucky in that I don't need to start looking for a new one for a couple of months at least. That means I'll have much more time for RP, so if anyone wants to poke at Rahne or Forge to go out and play, feel free.

Also, I'm terrible at poking at people, so I apologise in advance for any half-arsed attempts (or lack-of) at communication by myself.

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Retakes are done, so I'm back! I'm still kind of busy with saying goodbye to people and packing so I can move home in exactly a week (long fucking story), but feel free to poke me anytime for fun rp tiemz.
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