Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

June 1st, 2008

Age of Miracles: The OOC Community


June 1st, 2008

Activity Check: May 15 - May 31

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ACTIVITY CHECK: May 15 - May 31

We're back to regular activity checks. Happily, pretty much everyone posted for their characters at least once and there was tons of activity in both the Memorial Day post and Prom post. With both of those big posts, it's possible that you posted for a character there and I missed them if they didn't have a tag. If that's happened, please let me know, so I can mark you down as having posted. But, please, always make sure you tag your character(s) in threads, especially the large ones, so I don't mess up and miss a post.

The new activity rules are here for those of you who need to reference them.

But, all in all, there's very few warnings this time around, either because people posted or they gave us a heads up that they wouldn't be able to post. Which is awesome. And totally makes activity checks a bazillion times easier for us. So thank you!

- K.D. & Mel

Current Activity Standings )

Sunday Special #40: Log Requests

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This week's Sunday Special comes from Mel, which she suggested to me. (IN PERSON. IN A PARKING LOT. STANDING TOGETHER. :D Mel, Nomie, Lisa, and I hooked up this Sunday! WHAT? YES.)

Sunday Special #40 is all about what you want to read. Comment here with requests for scenes with characters other than your own. The scenes can be for [info]age_of_miracles, [info]aom_au, or [info]aom_flashbacks. Scenes that you'd really like to see someone else's characters do. Backstory, AU business, or something happening in the here and now game reality.

Players involved in said requested logs don't HAVE to take and do every request, but it can be a great chance to try some scenage that you maybe never thought about before! :D

Gift Icons

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Still messing around with last week's Sunday Special, I have some gift icons.

They're made as I come up with them, so... there will probably be more installments. XD
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