Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

April 13th, 2008

Age of Miracles: The OOC Community


April 13th, 2008


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Hi, everyone!

I'm just letting you all know that it's hell week for The Full Monty, so... long rehearsals at night these days. I also just got back from visiting Krim, so I'm a little behind with updates. I was going to toss up a thread with Aubrey, Remy, and anyone else who wanted to play poker -- would anyone be interested in that? If not I'll skip it but I figure... why not :x

Also, I'm brainstorming ideas during rehearsal downtime... minor missions and other things to keep people busy. Student-related stuff, too. If you have any ideas, toss them my way. Nothing that's a huge deal, but stuff that can help keep people occupied. :D

<3! KD
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