Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

March 11th, 2008

Age of Miracles: The OOC Community


March 11th, 2008

Sunday Special #35: Tragic Flaw

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Okay, so I know this isn't really Sunday, but I didn't come up with it until now, so.. pretend it's a Sunday Special instead of a, like.. Early Early Tuesday Morning Special. :D

For the newbies, this is how it works: I pose a question or a task, and you answer in a comment for your characters. This used to be done every week but people weren't answering them all that much and it was hard to come up with that many questions. So, nowadays, I just do them when I'm inspired.

This Sunday Special is inspired by this thread with Arla and David, in which Arla says: I'm just curious. Insatiably so. Every question that's posed, I have to find an answer. That's just how I am. Work out the variables and solve the equation. Even when the answer's not worth finding out and not nearly as complicated as you thought it was... it's... It's my tragic flaw.

So, your questions are:

What is your character's tragic flaw? What's the one main thing in your character's personality that could destroy him/her?
Has that flaw been exploited in game? If so, how? If not, would you like it to be? Any thoughts as to how you'd like it to go down?

For example, Arla )

Just for kicks. :D

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