mini_nanowrimo's Journal
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Monday, October 27th, 2008

    Time Event

    I'm [info]poisontaster, I'm new to the community and I'm going to be helping out [info]scarlett_o for this year's round of NaNo madness. We are working to get everything set up behind the scenes, but there are some things that we do need from you.

    First of all, COMMITMENT!

    I know that can be a bad word for some people, but we do our absolute best to make it easy for you. You get to determine your level of commitment. Here's what you need to do:

    1. Join the community.

    2. Comment to this post with your daily word commitment. Minimum commitment is 100 words of fiction every day, for the next 30 days. There is no maximum, but I don't recommend committing to more than you think you can reasonably do in a day.

    3. Starting Nov. 1, we (your mods) will make a prompt post. Comment to that post with a word count AND either your writing for the day OR a link to the post with your writing for the day.

    ETA: Apparently there was a clarification posted last year:
    While we encourage people to post or link to their work publicly (thus to better garner encouragement and foster discussion), it's not a requirement. The only required public post is your initial commitment of 100 words or more, and your daily word count.

    Our goal is, as ever, to get folks in the habit of writing every day, of making that commitment and sticking to it, and of a providing a community to cheer or coach or just encourage you to meet your goals.

    And that's it. The word count can be part of a single story, many stories, snippets...whatever you like, as long as it was written that day. It can be any fandom or original, it can be gen, het, slash.

    Other important info:

    We will be cutting off sign-ups on October 30th, to give us a chance to finalize everything. You are still welcome to join the comm after that, but you will not be counted in the daily tallies.

    We'll also be making a couple of posts tonight asking for different kinds of prompts to serve as inspiration. So start gathering your non-fandom pictures, quotes, poems, etc!

    Feel free to pimp the comm far and wide! For your pimping purposes, we offer the following graphic (made by the ever-talented [info]scarlett_o (PLEASE DO NOT HOTLINK):

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