mini_nanowrimo's Journal
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Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded in mini_nanowrimo's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, December 31st, 2008
    2:02 pm
    Closed for the Season
    Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
    11:06 am
    Hi everyone!

    It's so exciting to watch everyone signing up! And so many return customers, too! Awesome.

    Someone asked about icons. I, myself, am Photoshop impaired, but feel free to post icons in the comments of this post for use by the community. They will be greatly appreciated by your fellow mini-nano'ers.

    For those of you ganking icons, please remember to thank the icon maker and attribute properly.

    Just want to remind you sign-ups are still open here. If you haven't signed up already, you still have time! Minimum word commitment is 100 words/day. You can do it!

    Also, you all have been great so far about submitting word and picture prompts, but we can always use more! Word prompts (quotes, poems, random words) can be submitted here and picture prompts (links or actual pictures) can be submitted here. Pictures should be non-fandom specific. Help inspire us!

    And then, finally, don't forget to pimp! The community only works when we make it work.

    Only a couple more days, y'all!
    Monday, October 27th, 2008
    4:00 pm

    I'm [info]poisontaster, I'm new to the community and I'm going to be helping out [info]scarlett_o for this year's round of NaNo madness. We are working to get everything set up behind the scenes, but there are some things that we do need from you.

    First of all, COMMITMENT!

    I know that can be a bad word for some people, but we do our absolute best to make it easy for you. You get to determine your level of commitment. Here's what you need to do:

    1. Join the community.

    2. Comment to this post with your daily word commitment. Minimum commitment is 100 words of fiction every day, for the next 30 days. There is no maximum, but I don't recommend committing to more than you think you can reasonably do in a day.

    3. Starting Nov. 1, we (your mods) will make a prompt post. Comment to that post with a word count AND either your writing for the day OR a link to the post with your writing for the day.

    ETA: Apparently there was a clarification posted last year:
    While we encourage people to post or link to their work publicly (thus to better garner encouragement and foster discussion), it's not a requirement. The only required public post is your initial commitment of 100 words or more, and your daily word count.

    Our goal is, as ever, to get folks in the habit of writing every day, of making that commitment and sticking to it, and of a providing a community to cheer or coach or just encourage you to meet your goals.

    And that's it. The word count can be part of a single story, many stories, snippets...whatever you like, as long as it was written that day. It can be any fandom or original, it can be gen, het, slash.

    Other important info:

    We will be cutting off sign-ups on October 30th, to give us a chance to finalize everything. You are still welcome to join the comm after that, but you will not be counted in the daily tallies.

    We'll also be making a couple of posts tonight asking for different kinds of prompts to serve as inspiration. So start gathering your non-fandom pictures, quotes, poems, etc!

    Feel free to pimp the comm far and wide! For your pimping purposes, we offer the following graphic (made by the ever-talented [info]scarlett_o (PLEASE DO NOT HOTLINK):
    Friday, October 24th, 2008
    3:48 pm
    2008 Mini_NaNoWriMo
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]maygra)

    Just a head's up. Yes, we're doing it, so start gathering your icons and quotes and pics and figuring out what your daily counts are. I'll open membership up this weekend so you guys can look back over the instructions for the previous years.

    I won't be running it, but I will be around and available to advise or answer questions, so you know, be kind to your whip-crackers this year!
    Monday, October 15th, 2007
    11:10 pm
    Mini NaNoWriMo 2007
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mininanowrimo)


    The 2007 Mini Nanowrimo Comm is now closed to new members.

    Mini NaNoWriMo is a community for people not really up for the NaNoWriMo challenge but who still want to set and meet writing goals.

    It's all very simple.

    Join the community between October 19th and October 31st. Do Not Join Before Then as I will be clearing out the entire current membership in preparation for this year's challenge.

    Beginning November 1st, 2007, a new post will be made every day:

    You must post minimally 100 words of fiction day, (or link to a post with the minimum amount) and a word count, into the comments for the day's post by end of day.

    That's it. Word count can be to a single story, individual drabbles, snippets, vignettes, or ongoing works, it can be from any fandom or original. It can be slash, het, gen or a combination.

    For those of you who did not participate last year, there will be a series of posts soliciting pictures, quotes, and poetry for prompts as well as clarifying the goals of the community in the days leading up to the first.

    People who want to create icons or banners for people to use to help motivate can submit them here as well. (Starting now!)

    If you've got questions, you can leave them here.
    Monday, December 4th, 2006
    11:24 am
    And the grand total is...
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]scarlett_o)

    Well after Dreamweaver crashed on me for the millionth time, I decided to get the totals out a little differently this time. They are published here using Google Spreadsheets.

    First, I want to say a big congratulations to everyone who participated. I think we can agree this has been a fantastic experience for most of us.

    I also want to thank [info]maygra for her dedication to this community. She deserves a round of applause.

    And thank you to everyone who was so supportive of my efforts with the numbers.

    For the month of November, collectively we wrote 1,011,632 1,031,175 words. This is such an incredible accomplishment. So everyone pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.

    EDIT: The last three days have been fixed, thanks [info]maygra. I apologize for the errors. I had some issues with my computer today and I think that contributed to the problem.
    Thursday, November 16th, 2006
    10:13 pm
    Week 2 Totals
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]scarlett_o)

    Well I had most of the table coded for the week 2 totals, but my web editor crashed on me and I lost a large portion of the coding. So I will work on getting a table of totals up this weekend, but in the meantime we wrote 236,720 words this week. That brings our total for the month 541,082. Congratulations, everyone, on a job well done!
    Tuesday, October 31st, 2006
    10:19 pm
    Membership now closed
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mininanowrimo)

    Membership is now closed. If anyone wants to plead the case for a friend (or themselves) please contact me at maygra [@] In addition, posts from here forward will also be locked to the membership. We still have a few members who haven't committed to a word count. If you are here as an observer, that's fine -- but if you could let us know, that would be finer.

    I am not, however, married to the idea of keeping it all locked down, so if people want postings and subsequent fic and fic links to be public as they appear, I'm open to discussion.

    In a couple of hours (guh!) I'm going to toss out the first prompt post for people who are just chomping at the bit to get started.

    Prompt posts will remain open throughout the month which means that you can update an earlier post at any time -- say, if you will be out of town for a conference or some other event and can't get to a computer to make your daily entries.

    [info]scarlett_o will be keeping track of the daily and weekly tallies -- she will post those tallies in a separate post on the Thursday of each week (with the possible exception of the American Thanksgiving later this month,) so if you have quesitons about the counts, please contact her either by leaving a comment or contacting her directly.

    If you have questions or concerns, pelase feel free to contact either of us. And remember, this isn't a contest or a competition against anyone but your own expectations.

    See you in a couple of hours and good luck!
    Monday, October 30th, 2006
    8:01 pm
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]girlguidejones)

    Title: “Perennial”
    Author: [info]girlguidejones
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: PG-14; 1600 words
    Spoilers: none
    Warnings: non-graphic Wincesty schmoop
    Disclaimer: Characters property of Mr. Kripke and the CW. I own nothing, and will not own anything more by writing this.
    Author’s note: written for [info]mini_nanowrimo

    If the roots are deep enough, some things don't die )
    Wednesday, October 25th, 2006
    9:12 pm
    Mini NaNoWriMo Open for business.
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mininanowrimo)

    Mini NaNoWriMo is a community for people not really up for the NaNoWriMo challenge but who still want to set and meet writing goals.

    It's all very simple.

    Join the community.

    Beginning November 1st, 2006, a new post will be made every day:

    You must post minimally 100 words of fiction day, (or link to a post with the minimum amount) and a word count, into the comments for the day's post by end of day.

    That's it. Word count can be to a single story, individual drabbles, snippets, vignettes, or ongoing works, it can be from any fandom or original. It can be slash, het, gen or a combination.
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