Mind Over Meta

Jul. 27th, 2010


06:00 pm - Brick House by [info]deirdre_c, commentary by yourlibrarian

Title: Brick House
Vidder: [info]deirdre_c
Fandom: Supernatural
Link: http://deirdre-c.livejournal.com/351190.html
Commentary by: [info]yourlibrarian for [info]vid_commentary
Warnings:: Spoilers for the S5 finale.

The timing of this vid couldn't have been better. While there is never a wrong time for an Impala love vid, there was definitely a right time. Appearing on May 17th, the vid echoed the love and respect for this mainstay of the SPN verse that we had just seen in the S5 finale. But it also had some interesting things to say about females in the SPNverse, which remains a problematical aspect of the series.

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