Sat, Dec. 18th, 2010, 07:22 am

Who: Althea Hobbs (& family).
Where: The Hobbs Family home.
When: Friday evening. 17th of December, 2010.
Rating: PG+13.
Status: Complete.
Summary: Althea chooses to follow her heart.

'If you leave this house, don't you ever think of setting foot back in it again, Althea Louise. You will be barred.'  )

Sat, Dec. 4th, 2010, 05:53 pm

WHO: Dell Lloyd & Althea Hobbs.
WHAT: After this exchange. Dell has asked someone to cover his shift so that he can be home a little earlier than usual. Althea is, understandably, thrilled to pieces.
WHERE: Hobbs House.
WHEN: Late Friday night.
STATUS: Incomplete.

She wanted to make a good impression for him, to show Dell that she appreciated his company. She hadn't been incredibly kind to him lately, with the pain of childbirth still fresh on her mind, but she hoped tonight to make up for that. )