middlehaven network


May 2024


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May. 4th, 2024



[No Subject]

Funny, how horoscopes seem to be the same here as back in London.

Never was quite happy with Scorpius. Antares wasn't supposed to be so like that.

Mar. 31st, 2024



[No Subject]

Since I don't got my main bad bitch Cherri here to throw me a birthday bash, who's in? No one's out. Everyone's invited! Call it a gettin' t'know ya sorta activity... while we all get wasted.

[Texts to Husk]
>>Husky baby!
>>Ya know what's comin' up, don't ya?
>>Don't yaaaaa?

Mar. 26th, 2024



[No Subject]

Say so... the weather is starting to get warmer and everything and that means we should have a street fair or something to bring in the spring! I know there's usually something that goes on that's planned by... whoever plans things here? Seems like this kind of stuff just pops up out of no where all the time!

On that note, it seems like we have a lot of us out here who have some ability in the kitchen and I think we should have a cook off! Whoever out there that wants to could show off their skills! We could do separate events for different kinds of dishes and it'll just be a good time.

Everyone let me know what you think!

Mar. 9th, 2024



[This is just a Middlehaven Nextdoor post lbr]

Hi everyone. I'm Moxxie and my wife Millie and I are new in town. We just moved into an apartment in Northport and are doing some home rennovations. It's actually upstairs from where we work, but as soon as the building is in better shape we would love to host a get-together and celebrate the opening of IMP (Immediate Murder Multipurpose Professionals). IMP has been going through a rebranding so if you see our commercial that's not really what we do anymore. Some of the new services we offer are party catering, dog walking, and singing telegrams! I'm trying to convince the boss we can put the money into a bigger kitchen for downstairs and focus on new recipes for the catering side of the company. These are a few treats I made for fun.

You can follow me on socials here (sorry I don't update very much). I'm looking forward to getting to know you all soon.


Mar. 7th, 2024



Texts to Moxxie

You have (9) new messages )



[No Subject]

Why hello, my portals don't seem to be taking me back to where I'm trying to go at all. It seems that I'm stuck for the moment.

Normally I have a dashing rescuer on call... what does one do when he has to take care of himself? I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty.

Mar. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Now that I've had some time to get settled and find a decent place here, if anyone is interested in music lessons, I'm your woman! It's a little dismaying to have ended up in a new world after finally finding a home, but I think my friends would be upset if I let this stop me. Always follow your dreams! If I can't open my bardic school in Baldur's Gate, I'll just have to open it here.

And if anyone sees another tiefling named Lakrissa, let me know! I worry what she's getting up to without me around.

Feb. 29th, 2024



[No Subject]

Posted as an audio clip because typing this shit takes TOO LONG, he’s pissed, he's probably trying to shoot someone, and also he can’t spell

Ok alright ok… Christ on fucking stick! Point me in the direction of the cum guzzling asshole… NO MOXX I WILL NOT CALM DOWN, FUCK YOU… that needs shot because this is FLAMING HORSE SHIT. (Random screaming in the background) I can't be stuck here, I have a daughter at home who needs her daddy and a barely competent employee who will let the fucking office burn down without me there while staring at her phone, and they’re the same person, by the way, and a needy as fuck prince who can't handle not having my glorious dick in him for ONE FUCKING DAY so CHOP CHOP. Daddy wants to go home and daddy always gets what he wants.

Feb. 26th, 2024




4 New Messages )

Feb. 23rd, 2024



Angel Dust

You have (5) new messages. )

Feb. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

So when I wished my life would, by some miracle, drastically improve, this is not what exactly what I had in mind. Honestly, I don't think I could've dreamt this up if I tried, and I've always had a good imagination.

What's there do to around here for someone with less than dependable memories and a need for a good distraction?

Feb. 18th, 2024



[No Subject]

Listen… I got the whole spiel on this place, but when I started my redemption arc I wasn't exactly expectin’ to get dropped back in the land of the livin’, sweethearts. That might be worse than Hell in ways…

Call me Angel, pleasure to meet’cha, but it's more of one to meet me, I promise ya~

Least Val ain't here to make my life a literal living Hell…

So who's a guy gotta do to get a drink and some blow ‘round here?



[No Subject]

An attached sketch of Enola is included with this post

While I expect this attempt to be met with the same lack of answers as my search thus far, I have to admit I've run out of options. Nearly a year has passed since I've seen my sister, Enola Holmes. Until now, I've tried to act with more discretion, as she has a tendency to disappear from right under my nose under more favorable circumstances. If anyone has caught sight of her, please let me know. If she has evaded me for this long, she's likely using a different name entirely. That, or I must accept that like many others before and after her, she has simply vanished entirely.


I feel as though every time I turn around as of late, there you are. I'm starting to think all the petty theft is for the sole purpose of getting my attention.

Feb. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

Backdated like WOAH to around Christmastime because I'm a failure XD

[Sokka, Suki, Zuko]

Ok... so I'm gonna say it... it's been weird, right? Like between the three of us. Since the mistletoe. NOT IN A BAD WAY. Just... a weird way? Not in a way like I'm bothered either, because I'm not! It's not a big deal and I know that too. I've just noticed that... it feels weird. Something seems different. And maybe I should stop saying that and instead ask this: what if... it didn't have to be... weird?

Maybe I don't really know what I'm saying or I'm reading the situation all wrong and maybe I'm jumping to some crazy conclusions here, so tell me if I'm wrong, but would it be any weirder than anything else we've done if we were all just... together and ok with it?

I don't even know if I'm making sense, but something tells me it would be fine? Probably?
Tags: , ,

Feb. 16th, 2024



[No Subject]

Conducting a study, yes or no to crust on a sandwich?

Feb. 14th, 2024



[No Subject]

Happy Valentine's Day, Hange.

Below is a gift delivered for Hange at her bedside )

Nov. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

There are truly few things as satisfying as spending all day in the kitchen, even if one of your partners seems to have made off with the marshmallows you need to finish the rather questionable sounding casserole they requested.

I love all of you very much. Please bring them back.



[No Subject]

There's still plenty of food and company to be had over here at Second Bagend tonight, if anyone needs it. Bring whatever you want (or not!), just know everyone is welcome, and please watch out for any stray fireworks, or bards looking to rope you into a song if you're not fond of performing.

Nov. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Well. This is certainly... different. Given other recent, rather disruptive events in my life, I can't say I'm even surprised at finding myself dumped in an entirely new world. It's almost mundane in comparison, really.

So: What do people do for fun here? Non-boring answers only, thank you.

I'm Astarion, by the way. I assure you it's a pleasure to meet me.

Oct. 13th, 2023



[Sylvie, but viewable to Wanda]

We've been without chaos for far too long. Part of you must be going stir-crazy if you and I are truly the same.

Let's play a game with the mortals. They're so superstitious about this day.