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Galen Alistair Oram ɫ Asclepius [userpic]

Melpomene--Paean told me the news. He's got you set up to come in for an appointment at two on Friday. I don't suggest trying to get out of it. You know how he can be.

Something tells me that Melpomene isn't the only one with a bun in the proverbial oven. All things considered, we should probably have the numbers on record, in case the Anti-Godling squads come looking for us. How many of you ladies are also expecting?

Current Mood: busy
metemmods [userpic]

Hello, godlings. Have you missed us?

I am pleased at how well your progress is coming along. Some of you know where you must go. Some of you have even acquired your first artifacts. There is more to be done, of course, but I am pleased thus far. Soon, you will not need to hide behind your current shells.

That does, however, beg a question. Can you be trusted to be yourselves again? Can the world be trusted to handle you? There is only one way to find out.

Your test begins at sunrise tomorrow, on the Equinox. It ends at sunrise the next day. We will be watching you.

Sif | Amber Wheatley-Shin [userpic]

[Filter: Norse]

I think I know at least where the clue Loki had leads. I'm not sure what we'll find there, but I know where the Community of True Inspiration is. I grew up not too far from there: the Amana Colonies.

We should probably arrange to visit. I know the area, so I'll be happy to go, but any of you are welcome to come along.

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Katriel "Kitty" Richmond § Bastet [userpic]

Hey, Norse people!

So, looks like a certain magician has pulled off the ultimate trick. He made himself disappear. Don't know where he's gone. Dropped by his place to check in with him. Totally gone. He didn't even pack anything. Just... poof. Gone.

Anyway, found something in there, this piece of paper. It had a poem written on it:

The last becomes first as a great tool
To restore the Asgardian Nation
Seek the key to begin anew the rule
In the Community of True Inspiration

Hope that means something to you.

A Valentine's Day Greeting for the Ladies


As Knight of the Goddess, I feel it is only fitting I send you all a Valentine's Day greeting. Regardless of whether you have a significant other, may you experience much love and happiness this day! It is truly an honor for this knight to know you all.


Sir Gawain

Current Mood: chipper
winter_queen [userpic]

Very well then. You wish my attention so badly, you may have it.

Though those who demand my attention ought to know who they've summoned, I shall still introduce myself. I am Maeve Windthrope. Yes, that one. Now someone explain the reason why I have been virtually hounded by this website. And it had better be a good reason.


Hi. Sorry to bother everyone. I'm Seoyun. You can call me S.G. if that's easier.

I...think I know what's going on. This is a reincarnation thing?

Please be here. You have to be here. You have to.

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the_all_mother [userpic]

I would like to speak with the family developments.

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It's been a month since that damned incident at the hotel. Nimue hasn't been seen since. I'm going to just lay it out and admit that I'm Not Taking This Well. If anyone has the slightest idea what happened to her, our particular court would appreciate hearing about it.

Also, I'm not going to discuss anything further, but I just want to reiterate something for everyone, especially the gods, who might still be confused: Sexual Assault Is Not Acceptable Behavior. Full Stop.

Sif | Amber Wheatley-Shin [userpic]

Tyr, sweetheart? My mom called today, wanting to know where we were going to be spending Christmas. Are we still planning to have it with your parents?

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You know, there is a limit to how much you can enjoy walking into a Kinko's, or an office building, and just watching paper spew out in piles while the workers freak out. It takes a while to get there, but the limit does exist.

Since I've finally reached that limit, I'll bite. What the fuck do you want?


What exactly is the meaning of all this? Come on, folks, I have a very busy schedule. I don't have time to read every kooky fan email I get.

I suppose I don't really need to introduce myself, but here goes ... I am Sky Traveler, Illusionist Extraordinaire. My closest friends call me Connor.

Now would someone mind telling me what the hell is going on here?

Current Mood: annoyed
Sif | Amber Wheatley-Shin [userpic]

Hey, everyone! Tyr and I have a very important announcement to make!

We're getting married!

Current Mood: ecstatic
Sif | Amber Wheatley-Shin [userpic]

[Text to Tyr]

Hi birthday boy! Just hope that you have a great day at work today! I promise to have a wonderful birthday dinner waiting for you when you get home. Love you!

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Current Mood: cheerful
And now for something completely different?

I don't want to think about all this weird stuff anymore.
Impromptu survey!
What are the best parts of being who you are now?

For me, it's definitely California itself. And Mom. And the chance to get my hands dirty.

To Whom It May Concern:

What the Diawl are you playing at?

Because it isn't funny.

And I haven't the time for it.


the_all_mother [userpic]

Hello, my name's Tess Lawson. I just received an email that wouldn't die and it led me here. Can someone tell me what's going, please?

What they hell are they putting in the drinking water in Phili?

Okay, this e-mail is just incorrigible, and I guess trying this out is better than smashing my computer, right? I mean, I need to do business on it, and I can't afford a new one.

So hi, my name is Josephine -- I'm more comfortable with Seph, though -- from South San Francisco. From skimming the board and the names straight out of antiquity and everything, I'm guessing this is a past lives discussion group? While I do have some memories of four past lives, one of them pretty far back, I really don't remember them clearly enough to add much to the discussion. I'm trying to figure if my mom or my ex let something slip to someone who signed me up for this, because I don't talk about it all that much.

[Phone call to Tyr...with a guest appearance by Sif if she cares to get on the call]

Aphrodite's attitude during the hurricane was concerning. Coupled with what Sif had told him earlier he didn't like the direction things were going. He knew he'd pissed her off, and with how she was acting during the storm he didn't trust things.

So! Happy booty call or not, the Allfather was calling Tyr.

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