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Denise Stephens ₪ Ariadne [userpic]

[Filter: Greeks]

Okay, everyone. We know what we're supposed to be seeking out, but has anyone been able to further narrow down where we need to continue the search?

Denise Stephens ₪ Ariadne [userpic]

Oh, Jonah! About that little side project we've been discussing? I think I might have the general plot done. I'll email you specs.

Meanwhile, nothing like Halloween to bring out the weirdest part of a bunch of computer geeks. Seriously, going to work actually feels like I'm trapped in one of our own games now. Who the hell decided it was okay to allow Nerf guns in the workspace?

Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]

I'm back in the dormitory again. I guess they got things cleaned up, finally. Some parts we can't go into, I guess because there was some fire damage, but the wing where I live is okay.

It's quieter than I remember--and not just because I apparently no longer have a roommate. I don't know what happened to her. There's a gloom over the place, and I don't think it's just because of Halloween.

I don't see many people in the halls anymore. I don't know if it's just because so many are gone now, or because those who are here stay in their rooms and don't socialize like they used to. But those I do see... It feels like they all look at me with accusing eyes. Like... somehow, it's my fault. I don't know. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

[Phone Call: Ariadne]

Hi, Sweetie! I'm going to be flying into Seattle tomorrow to meet with Adam and Nina, and possibly Galen as well. I hope to see you this week!

Current Mood: cheerful
Denise Stephens ₪ Ariadne [userpic]

[Filter: Hades]

I'd like to check in with you for a status update, if you don't mind.

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Denise Stephens ₪ Ariadne [userpic]

[Email to Dionysus]

Hey. Some strange things happening lately. I don't suppose you know anything about them?


My illustrious uncle thinks you're lovely ... and of course he's absolutely correct.

Current Mood: curious

To Whom It May Concern:

What the Diawl are you playing at?

Because it isn't funny.

And I haven't the time for it.


Email to Ariadne


Nina said you had tried to contact me and were concerned.  I'm alright, but thanks so much for your concern.  You are a dear one.  At least so far, nothing has happened at the store after the riot, though I must say I'm a bit tense right now.

How are you?


Denise Stephens ₪ Ariadne [userpic]

Hey... Nina?

Have you talked to Jonah recently? I heard about the news there in Lincoln, and I tried to get in touch with him, but all I got was voicemail.

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Current Mood: worried

I never thought I'd say this, but I feel like going back to Philly. Haven't been there since I left, but I get the feeling that I'd like it a hell of a lot better now.

Those folks are partying HARDCORE out there.

Okay, this e-mail is just incorrigible, and I guess trying this out is better than smashing my computer, right? I mean, I need to do business on it, and I can't afford a new one.

So hi, my name is Josephine -- I'm more comfortable with Seph, though -- from South San Francisco. From skimming the board and the names straight out of antiquity and everything, I'm guessing this is a past lives discussion group? While I do have some memories of four past lives, one of them pretty far back, I really don't remember them clearly enough to add much to the discussion. I'm trying to figure if my mom or my ex let something slip to someone who signed me up for this, because I don't talk about it all that much.

A Knight Mare

[In times of emotional crisis, both for himself and for those closest to him, Gawain's dreams had a propensity for the vivid and bizarre. Tonight's was no exception.

He knew he had assumed the role of Ariadne ... as if she were an avatar from one of her games. Together they were wandering through a seemingly endless maze with a pitch-black floor and ceiling. Garish walls evoked the 8-bit graphics of old and contributed to the overall sense of hopelessness.

Then they heard a faint sound, a repetitive bleep straight from a video arcade. At first it seemed normal, but as the volume increased, so did the ferocity. Soon it became apparent they were hearing footsteps ... but of what? What horrible opponent was coming their way?

Suddenly around a corner came a towering minotaur. Its pixelated body, far more vivid than anything else in the maze, radiated unspeakable brutality. However, that was not the worst of it. Instead of the bovine head one would expect, there sat atop the grotesque torso a portrait, as clear as a digital photograph, of Nigel.

The minotaur emitted a maniacal laugh that shook the walls and floor beneath them ....]

[Filter: Ariadne]
Sweet Ariadne, I know this must sound strange, but are you alright? If you get this message, please call me as soon as you can.

Current Mood: worried

Ok. So wacky hotel hostage situation and this is it? Life back to normal> I scoff at the universe.

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
Meme! (LADIES!)

Ok, ladies. The boys have had their fun. Now it's our turn.

Which of the men here would you be most interested in and why?

Personally, I like the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the total package of wealth, good looks, power and a certain je ne sais quoi, so it shouldn't be of any surprise that I favor both Poseidon and Odin.

A Quote

I always enjoy trips to Washington (thanks again, Nina, for a great time with peasant mud wrestling!), but I am happy to be back home in dear old Nebraska.

During the trip, I came across a quote, and I would be interested in hearing what you all think it might mean ...

"The Grail appears only to those who allow the Grail to appear to them."

Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: Erik Satie - "First Gymnopédie"

A strange revelation indeed. Emails I cannot get rid of and a board full of others not unlike myself. Introductions are necessary. Lieutenant Andreas Karalis, US Army.

Better known as Achilles, son of Pelius and nymph Thetis.

I am but a lion and you will hear me roar.

Denise Stephens ₪ Ariadne [userpic]

We just got a new group of beta-testers in.

I hate to say it, but there's a certain schadenfreude whenever we get new ones. They come in all excited and thinking they have the most awesome job ever... only to leave at the end of the day looking horribly disappointed. For the record, being an actual tester is not nearly as much fun or as glamorous as it sounds. Their job is to play stretches of the game over and over and over again for hours on end, trying to find glitches and bugs.

Poor guys.

[Private to Nimue and Ariadne]

Hiya, Ladies!

I hope you both have had a good week. I apologize for being so uncommunicative. I've been enmeshed in book buying. Ugh.

Are we still on for the below event tomorrow? Or at least for meeting for caffeinated beverages somewhere?


Current Mood: bouncy
[Private to Nimue and Ariadne]

Hello, Good Ladies!

I wanted to let you both know that I am now in Seattle. I plan to be here most of the week for various business things. Please let me know your schedules, and perhaps we can spend some time together.


Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Jethro Tull - "Bourrée"
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