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Sif | Amber Wheatley-Shin [userpic]
[Filter: Sigyn]

Sigyn, hon? What's your schedule looking like for the next few weeks?

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mr_bes [userpic]

Most persistent spam ever I'm assuming that this isn't for a Viagra support group How the hell do you do this?

Hello. I got tired of deleting the email from my inbox and this seemed to be the only way to get it to stop. I'm not entirely sure what comes next but I hope it doesn't result in more random emails from mysterious sources. Is there a next step to this or am I free to reclaim my internet connection again?

Galen Alistair Oram ɫ Asclepius [userpic]

Seeing as we're here for an unknown quantity of time, I'd like to just ensure everyone is doing well. I'd be happy to oversee the prenatal care for our expecting mothers (and, fathers, you are welcome to be present for the examinations if you wish). In fact, I'd like to get routine checkups in for all of you this week, if possible.

And anyone else with residual injuries and scars from the unfortunate attacks... I'll be happy to assist with that as well.

Sigyn, if you wil be my assistant, I'd be most appreciative.


I'm sending this from work. I was on shift at dawn, and the patients are okay, and I'm /okay/, but ... that tattered dress of mine? The old one, with the torn cape and the rusted matron-brooches? I'm wearing it. And... I can't change back into my scrubs. It won't let me? So my patients need me, so I'm going to go back to work, but if anyone has suggestions, please let me know.

metemmods [userpic]

Hello, godlings. Have you missed us?

I am pleased at how well your progress is coming along. Some of you know where you must go. Some of you have even acquired your first artifacts. There is more to be done, of course, but I am pleased thus far. Soon, you will not need to hide behind your current shells.

That does, however, beg a question. Can you be trusted to be yourselves again? Can the world be trusted to handle you? There is only one way to find out.

Your test begins at sunrise tomorrow, on the Equinox. It ends at sunrise the next day. We will be watching you.

Sif | Amber Wheatley-Shin [userpic]

[Filter: Norse]

I think I know at least where the clue Loki had leads. I'm not sure what we'll find there, but I know where the Community of True Inspiration is. I grew up not too far from there: the Amana Colonies.

We should probably arrange to visit. I know the area, so I'll be happy to go, but any of you are welcome to come along.

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Katriel "Kitty" Richmond § Bastet [userpic]

Hey, Norse people!

So, looks like a certain magician has pulled off the ultimate trick. He made himself disappear. Don't know where he's gone. Dropped by his place to check in with him. Totally gone. He didn't even pack anything. Just... poof. Gone.

Anyway, found something in there, this piece of paper. It had a poem written on it:

The last becomes first as a great tool
To restore the Asgardian Nation
Seek the key to begin anew the rule
In the Community of True Inspiration

Hope that means something to you.

[Filter: Loki]

Hi? Is this thing working? I wanted to talk to you.

I've got a few shifts switched; are you busy tomorrow night?

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Hi. Sorry to bother everyone. I'm Seoyun. You can call me S.G. if that's easier.

I...think I know what's going on. This is a reincarnation thing?

Please be here. You have to be here. You have to.

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