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Hada Morgenstern ◊ Esther [userpic]

So... things I've learned in the past couple weeks:

It is amazing how many drinks strangers will buy for you when you're dressed up like a Persian courtesan and saying it's part of your birthday celebration.

Also, it only takes fewer than two dozen godlings to catch the attention of the world.

...and that leads me to the last thing... Godlings... we've got a problem. No joking.

Current Mood: worried
Hada Morgenstern ◊ Esther [userpic]

I realize I'm probably the only one celebrating, but happy Purim, all! This is my holiday.

So... if I'm a little hard to reach for the next day or so, that's why. Per the tradition, time to drink up until I can no longer distinguish between arur Haman and baruch Mordechai.

Current Mood: drunk
winter_queen [userpic]

Very well then. You wish my attention so badly, you may have it.

Though those who demand my attention ought to know who they've summoned, I shall still introduce myself. I am Maeve Windthrope. Yes, that one. Now someone explain the reason why I have been virtually hounded by this website. And it had better be a good reason.

Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]

The Washington legislature just passed a law to allow same-sex marriage, making us the seventh in the Union to permit it. I may come from a mortal family of Irish Catholics, but this is still good news, I think. There was a lot of celebrating on campus today. It was wonderful ♥

Current Mood: pleased
Current Music: Colbie Caillat - Brighter Than the Sun

I can appreciate persistence, but really, spamming my business email is not the best way to get positive attention from me.

But I suppose it's also effective. This is Ebony Duron, how can I help you?

[Filter: Muses and Persephone and Persephone and Persephone and Persephone]

So, I guess I'll be making my way to Seattle in the near future. You know, for the holiday.

But I need an opinion. Apollo wants me to move in with him. Discuss.

Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]

Well, I've survived my first semester at college. I finished my finals, and I've come home for the winter holidays, so if anyone needs me, you can find me in Olympia.

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You

You know, there is a limit to how much you can enjoy walking into a Kinko's, or an office building, and just watching paper spew out in piles while the workers freak out. It takes a while to get there, but the limit does exist.

Since I've finally reached that limit, I'll bite. What the fuck do you want?


What exactly is the meaning of all this? Come on, folks, I have a very busy schedule. I don't have time to read every kooky fan email I get.

I suppose I don't really need to introduce myself, but here goes ... I am Sky Traveler, Illusionist Extraordinaire. My closest friends call me Connor.

Now would someone mind telling me what the hell is going on here?

Current Mood: annoyed
Sif | Amber Wheatley-Shin [userpic]

Hey, everyone! Tyr and I have a very important announcement to make!

We're getting married!

Current Mood: ecstatic
Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]

I'm back in the dormitory again. I guess they got things cleaned up, finally. Some parts we can't go into, I guess because there was some fire damage, but the wing where I live is okay.

It's quieter than I remember--and not just because I apparently no longer have a roommate. I don't know what happened to her. There's a gloom over the place, and I don't think it's just because of Halloween.

I don't see many people in the halls anymore. I don't know if it's just because so many are gone now, or because those who are here stay in their rooms and don't socialize like they used to. But those I do see... It feels like they all look at me with accusing eyes. Like... somehow, it's my fault. I don't know. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Boden Murphy Ψ Triton [userpic]

Not again.

One of my fraternity brothers has a new book. Specifically, Book Two of the "Heroes of Olympus" series. This one so entitled "The Son of Neptune." I am not impressed.

I find the entire franchise an utter travesty, particularly since it's my line that's the star in the freak show. My own fictional bastard-born brother. As if I didn't have enough real ones already.

I'd consider destroying it, banning it from the house, but... then again, when the time comes, it might be a useful tool in bringing over mortal soldiers to my command. After all, they make the line of Poseidon out to be the heroes, and everyone wants to be on the winning team. ...unfortunately, I'll probably have to read it now, just to see how we're represented.

Current Mood: annoyed

[Achilles has remained quiet since the maenad raid, pouting more or less to cope in his own way. Blood is something that stains his hands from one life to the next, it is not unknown to him. Killing a maenad however only awakened an ancient anger he had not seen in centuries. A cruel and ruthless anger that cared not for the lives he took. The Achilles now while stern and strong, held some compassion for his fellow man. This, this ordeal was senseless, there was no reason to it, and in seeing Erato abused in such ways tore at him inside. It opened up a fresher wound than he thought was even visible. He had not expected the little Muse to sit so easily on feelings he had not experienced in this time. Now that was all too apparent, and Achilles had to hold himself back from her or he too would succumb to that anger again. She had those willing to take care of her in the way he could not right now.]

Something has awakened that is cold and familiar.

Erato, forgive an old warrior for his silent tongue and unwilling heart. I cannot accept this right now.

Current Mood: angry
enosichthon [userpic]
[Chelsea - Message for Poseidon/visible to everyone]

[Chelsea packs what little she can, leaving her phone behind because she knows Poseidon will use it to track her. What respect and closeness she'd grown to have for her father was momentarily stunted at knowing the lengths he'd taken to ruin her mother just for the sheer pleasure of it. She doesn't know what he knows, but after being told by Hades the kind of condition she's in, Chelsea sets out to see her, permission or not. She knows without a doubt her father would never let her go willingly, she's not giving him the opportunity to even ask. In a reckless move she bolts leaving him no more than the message on his computer hoping for once he feels pain.]

I hope you see this

I hate you....

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]

I got a birthday card from my parents today. That wouldn't be so odd, except that birthday isn't until Wednesday. Surely my own parents remember when I was born, so I'm not sure why they sent it early. There are too many mail dropboxes in Lincoln to have the excuse of it being so it's convenient.

enosichthon [userpic]

[Since returning from the maenad hunt, Poseidon achieved what he set out to. He may not have all of them in his possession, but three was one up from the rest and better than none. During his trip however, Chelsea had been under Triton's care. While the boy had done well, his girl was safe, she now had fanciful ideas of learning Russian and trying to tell him what to do. 

"You never told me you were in a gulag," Chelsea said to Poseidon as he sat down on the couch with a glass of whiskey. It burned a little more than usual and his brows crossed.

"Where did you hear that?" Without a second thought she waved it off to Triton. Poseidon had never made mention of his other lives to anyone. Not Aphrodite, not Medusa, not Chelsea's mother, and definitely not Chelsea. It made him angry, even more so when she was defiant on learning it as if it would impress him. Their argument spiraled more, causing him to up and leave when she asked him about Medusa. The girl was young, not yet learned in the ways of love, but she could tell there was a spark in her father's interest with the snake woman. She'd never even seen him look at her mother in that way.]

Always nice to have an extra hand or two around the office. I think I'm getting used to this gig and my new employees. Show them a little money, a place to crash and they do whatever you ask. Reminds me of old days.

Triton, I hear  you're teaching Chelsea Russian? Perhaps you could have informed me before opening that fish-mouth of yours.

Current Mood: annoyed
Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]

[Filter: Daughters of Zeus]

...Sisters? After everything that happened, I think... I think I just need to get away from here for a little while. Clear my head. Asclepius and the others have been very kind in taking care of me, and my injuries are all healed now, but I think I just need to get out of Washington for a few days.

My fall break is coming up this weekend, the 15th through the 18th... Could I come visit for a couple days? I just want to be with my sisters for a bit.

Current Mood: restless

{Phone Call To Persephone}

Hades calls as soon as things have calmed enough for him to do so.

"Seph, it's Ian."

Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]

Hey, everyone! Brothers and sisters and all the rest!

Things are seriously awesome down here at the dorms! Everyone's invited! Can't wait to see you all here! ♥

enosichthon [userpic]

My, my, can't let someone else have all the fun. What's going on in the water there, Dionysus? I feel a little left out.

In the meantime, the old dolphin riding son of mine has paid a visit. Play nice and I won't throw you into a theme park before you go back home. Smile pretty.

Current Mood: curious
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