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[Jul. 9th, 2012|11:12 pm]
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Characters: Athena and Triton
Date/Time: July 10th, early afternoon
Location: Starting in Central Park
Rating: PG-13 at worst I imagine
Warnings: Possibly swearing if Athena feels like it
Summary: Athena goes to NYC to meet Triton face to face.

Anything you can do, I can do better. )
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[Jun. 20th, 2012|02:53 pm]

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Characters: Athena and Gaia
Date/Time: Afternoon of Wednesday, June 20th
Location: Bookstore in Poughkeepsie
Rating: TBD, depends on how it goes.
Warnings: Language, maybe.
Summary: A chance encounter for Athena

The more you know... )
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