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DARKNESS! IMPRISONING ME! ALL THAT I-- wait what [Sep. 22nd, 2012|02:39 am]
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Characters: Dionysus and his suitemates
Date/Time: September 22nd
Location: Suite in La Maison Jeu Ancien
Rating: R for language, at least
Warnings: Nightmarish medical terminology
Summary: Waking from a nightmare into... who knows what?

Don't know if this is true or a dream )
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[Sep. 15th, 2012|12:07 am]
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Characters: Apollo and Melpomene
Date/Time: Wee hours of the morning, before sunrise on the 15th
Location: Their home
Rating: Probably R
Warnings: Pregnant angry Muse, and protective angry father-to-be Apollo
Summary: Burning down the house is not just a catchy song!

I fell for you like a child. Oh but the fire went wild. )
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[Jul. 24th, 2012|01:06 am]
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Characters: Apollo and Melpomene
Date/Time: July, 24. Evening.
Location: Their place
Rating: It could go all the way up to NC-17 with these two
Warnings: Snugly muse.
Summary: Quality snuggling time.

You're the light I see, to raise the flame and blaze the fire )
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[Jun. 18th, 2012|11:40 pm]

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Characters: Gaia and Apollo
Date/Time: Morning, June 18th
Location: A street corner, Seattle, WA.
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD, most likely flirtatiousness
Summary: Dorian gets an audience.

Buy me a drink, sing me a song / Take me as I come, 'cause I can't stay long )
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[May. 4th, 2012|11:45 pm]

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Characters: Apollo, Arthur, Triton and Melpomene
Date/Time: Morning of May 4th, 2011
Location: Chi Phi House at Princeton
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Possible language
Summary: It's finally time to bring Melpomene home... and introduce her to Apollo's dear friend.

Where, oh where, can my baby be? )
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[Apr. 30th, 2012|12:34 am]

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Characters: Apollo, Arthur Pendragon
Date/Time: Starting afternoon of Monday, April 30, 2012
Location: Hawk of the Plains bookstore
Rating: TBD. Depends on how it goes.
Warnings: Knowing these two? Probably the usual language and sex.
Summary: On his way to go meet Melpomene out in New York, Apollo decides to drop in on Arthur unannounced.

Surprise! )
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[Apr. 20th, 2012|01:03 pm]

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Characters: Apollo, Melpomene and Asclepius
Date/Time: Friday, April 20th at 2 p.m.
Location: Hospital where Asclepius works
Rating: Probably at minimum PG-13, if not R
Warnings: Potential medical TMI, but mostly Melpomene's salty mouth and temper.
Summary: Apollo brings Melpomene in for her first prenatal exam.

Just a routine procedure )
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Never Thought I'd Be The One That'd Slip [Apr. 8th, 2012|11:53 pm]
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Characters: Melpomene and Apollo
Date/Time: Monday, April 9th
Location: Their place
Rating: R to be safe
Warnings: Crazy Angry Melpomene
Summary: Apparently, Apollo keeps better track of Mel's cycle than she does.

Trust. She fucking hates me. )
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[Mar. 20th, 2012|09:24 pm]

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Characters: Apollo, Melpomene, Urania
Date/Time: Spring Equinox 2012.
Location: Starting in Seattle
Rating: TBD--depends on how things go.
Warnings: TBD
Summary: The sun god is in rare form today--lots to do, lots of Muses to see! And let's try to not destroy any cities too badly, yes?

Sunshine Superman away! )
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[Feb. 16th, 2012|09:12 pm]

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Characters: Erato, open to all others backstage.
Date/Time: Yule; during Act 4 of the "Christmas Carol" production
Location: Backstage at La Theâtre Jeu Ancien
Rating: This could get ugly... Will probably get to R.
Warnings: Possibly language, violence, sexuality, who knows?
Summary: Erato heads backstage during Act 4, trying to get Corruption's voice out of her head.

I took a sip from the devil's cup; slowly, it's taking over me )
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[Jan. 13th, 2012|10:37 pm]

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Characters: Apollo, Melpomene, Erato, Urania, Asclepius
Date/Time: Evening of Friday, December 23rd
Location: Apollo's Place
Rating: Hard to say with Mel's salty language, but... PG-13ish?
Warnings: Possibly language
Summary: Apollo insists on having a holiday celebration with all his favorite relatives!

Grab some holly and mistletoe... )
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[Dec. 23rd, 2011|05:07 pm]

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Characters: EVERYONE!
Date/Time: Yule
Location: La Theâtre Jeu Ancien
Rating: Probably nothing too bad... PG-13 at worst?
Warnings: Possibly language
Summary: The godlings give their performance!

When the curtain rises... )
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On the street where you live [Dec. 22nd, 2011|01:35 pm]
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Characters: Apollo, Melpomene
Date/Time: Tuesday, December 20th. 5pm
Location: Apollo's home
Rating: Probably nothing too obscene, PG-13 at the worst.
Warnings: Mel on a down swing, so some melancholy
Summary: Melpomene shows up on Apollo's door step after deciding to take him up on his offer.

Any second you may suddenly appear. )
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[Dec. 22nd, 2011|02:00 am]

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Characters: EVERYONE!
Date/Time: Thursday, December 22nd, Yule
Location: La Theâtre Jeu Ancien
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Possibly language
Summary: The godlings are summoned for a special one-night-only performance...

Places, Everyone! )
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[Nov. 6th, 2011|10:44 pm]

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Characters: EVERYONE!
Date/Time: Friday, October 28th
Location: L'Hôtel Jeu Ancien Ballroom
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Not many. Some language.
Summary: The ball begins, as well as the party game for the night...

Come one, come all... )
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[Oct. 29th, 2011|12:51 am]

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Characters: Apollo, and OPEN
Date/Time: Friday, October 28th
Location: L'Hôtel Jeu Ancien
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Apollo returns to the hotel for the party, this time as the Goblin King

Dance, magic, dance... )
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[Sep. 27th, 2011|09:21 pm]

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Characters: Apollo, Asclepius, Achilles, Gawain, Arthur, Maenad(s), also Erato and Dionysus
Date/Time: Night of Sunday, September 25th
Location: Erato's dorm
Rating: R
Warnings: Language, sex, violence, you name it. This ain't gonna be pretty, folks.
Summary: The little Muse is in danger and maenads are afoot. The A-team to the rescue!

This time, please, someone come and rescue me/'Cause you on my mind has got me losin' it )
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[Sep. 27th, 2011|03:39 pm]

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Characters: Apollo, Medusa, Poseidon
Date/Time: Sunday, September 25th, just before the raid
Location: Outside Erato's dorm
Rating: R
Warnings: Language
Summary: Before entering the dorm, Apollo has one request to make...

Won't you please, please help me? )
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[Sep. 25th, 2011|10:43 pm]

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Characters: Poseidon, Medusa + Open
Date/Time: Sunday, September 25th, 4 pm
Location: Seattle Airport
Rating: R
Warnings: Language
Summary: Poseidon and his pet snake come into the Seattle airport to be picked up.

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[Sep. 21st, 2011|02:18 pm]

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Characters: Vivien and OPEN
Date: Wednesday night
Location: Seattle
Rating: R at the most
Warnings: Language and violence
Summary: Stop me if you've heard this one. A maenad lands in Seattle and says "Boy could this place use a little of my tender touches."

It's at times like these/I do what I please* )

[*lyrics: Jesus Jones - Blissed]
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