Metempsychosis Logs - August 31st, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 31st, 2013

[Aug. 31st, 2013|12:06 am]
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Characters: Tyr and Carl
Date/Time: Saturday, August 31
Location: Tyr's House
Rating: G, maybe PG
Warnings: None
Summary: With Tina at her mother's, Tyr seeks to spend some time with his son.

Bonding Time )
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Knock, Knock [Aug. 31st, 2013|05:29 pm]


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Characters: Hephaestus and Titania
Date/Time: Short of the witching hour, Saturday, August 31
Location: Heph's apartment
Rating: PG13 at least
Warnings: Mature situations, immature behavior.
Summary: Summoned home for a Labor Day picnic, Titania decides to make a side trip to her favorite therapist.

Out of the way? Never when it's for fun. )
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[Aug. 31st, 2013|11:27 pm]
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Characters: Astarte and Seth
Date/Time: Saturday, August 31
Location: Their Place
Rating: PG-13 or more.
Warnings: language. scant clothes.
Summary: Shop talk and concerns.

Read more... )
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