metafandom's Journal


9th April 2010

7:11pm: Friday, April 9, 2010
  • [ profile] kate: A little bit of meta about music and writing - And so yes, music is an art, but one based on mastery of a craft. You can't create art until you've put the time in and learned every facet of the craft....// Writing, I'm finding, is the same. I have moments of transcendence, moments when I feel like something above and beyond is going on -- but that's only happened since I mastered some of the basics of the craft. -
    (tags: writing music)

  • [ profile] sara: A small fannish observation. - There's currently some discussion about whether to open up the AO3 to original fiction. // I hate to be the first one to bring this up, folks, but it is already hosting original fiction. -

  • [ profile] lian: on that origfic discussion - I'm not saying that there aren't very good arguments against hosting original work. All I'm saying is that we may be too self-centered to consider what this may mean for the Archive's future user base, and you know what? I'm more afraid of stagnation and exclusion than of different fannish modes of expression. -

  • [ profile] iambickilometer: META: Five+ Ways Being Transgender in Fandom Really Sucks, and Why I Stick With It Anyway - I love many cisgendered characters, mind. Just like I love many straight characters and many non-Latino characters. But I want to be able to love transgender characters, too. And I want other people to love them, to follow their stories and root for them and see them as people and interesting, complex characters that they can ship and analyse. I want people to feel like they can write trans characters even though they're not trans themselves. I want to be able to say I'm transgendered and have people know what that means. -

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