metafandom's Journal


8th April 2010

3:58am: Wednesday, April 7, 2010

  • [ profile] r_becca: Question - When you consider signing up for a fest, what factors do you take into account? What do you look for in a fest that makes you decide to sign up, or stay away? -

  • [ profile] thuviaptarth: [in vidding] Vidding as metaphor, metaphors for vidding - What are your metaphors for vidding or vid watching? Do you have any? Do you frame it in terms of other creative crafts and endeavours--writing, cooking, knitting, dancing, choreographing, composing, playing music, listening to music, painting, sculpting, etc.--or other activities--sports, finances, programming, cleaning, exercises, etc.--or something else? How does the rest of your life shape the way you conceive of vidding or watching vids? -
    (tags: vidding)

  • [ profile] goldjadeocean: [in hooked_on_heroines] The skirt question - Does your heroine wear a skirt? Does she perform femininity? -

  • [ profile] quinfirefrorefiddle: [in hooked_on_heroines] Your First AFC - You always remember your first Doctor- but do you remember your first AFC (Awesome Female Character)? -

  • [ profile] legionseagle: [in hooked_on_heroines] Writing with the brakes off - My suggestion, which I throw open for discussion, is that there is both a powerful anti-risk taking trope which has itself to be consciously subverted when setting out to write awesome female characters, and that the anti-risk taking theme is also internalised, affecting the female writer as she performs the act of writing, making her less likely to use bold strokes in creating characters and more likely to be attacked if she does, with readers and critics who buy into the trope of "female risk taker must be punished" expecting to see risk taking female characters getting their comeuppance, and feeling cheated (and taking it out on the author) if they do not, thus creating a vicious circle. -

  • [ profile] zvi: is grumpy old fic queen - Most of the good parts of fanfiction, I don't have access to in original work until the third or fourth novel. The world just isn't fucking lived in enough to trigger the joy of repetition before the 300,000th word, okay? I don't step into your original fiction novel knowing and loving your characters like you do, dear author, and, frankly, if I'm in a fanfic reading mode, I'm not really looking to get to know somebody new, okay? I want to curl up with an old familiar friend, or at least somebody I've heard all of the latest gossip about. -

  • [ profile] jmtorres: fandom quiz - In reference to vidding: What constitutes canon (or nonviolation of canon)? What constitutes an AU? What constitutes constructed reality? -
    (tags: vidding au)

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