metafandom's Journal


26th March 2010

9:39pm: Friday, March 26, 2010

  • [ profile] paperhearts: I analyze because I love. - So, I've finished season one of The Mentalist and I'm two discs into season one of Castle, and both of these shows are very charming in their way and I've enjoyed watching them, no doubt. But, they also have something less fun in common.I really do not like their female leads, at all.I've been contemplating this for a while, wondering if it's me or if it's them. Is this a case of internalized misogyny, where I'm deliberately putting barriers between myself and identifying with a female character or is that the parts are badly written and acted? -

  • venefica_aura: Meta Fandom: Teen Movies as a Sociology Context Discussion for Preferences - the longer I'm around fandom and pop culture and the like, the more I see that it's in the response to things that you learn the most about people, almost more than the source itself. -

  • [ profile] hradzka: TFV and me (mostly TFV) on fannish AUs - In LJ comments, thefourthvine and I had a really interesting exchange about fannish AUs. By which I mean, I asked questions and she did all the heavy lifting. It's too good to leave buried in comments, so here is the lightly edited gist. -
    (tags: au fanfic)

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