metafandom's Journal


14th March 2010

10:39pm: Sunday, March 14, 2010
  • [ profile] kaigou: cake, having of; see also, cake, eating of - I say it's not derailing because derailment hinges on privilege to deny or dismiss the posted thesis. "You're not really that marginalized," and, "oh, I get that all the time," are dismissals. "I absolutely agree with you" is not, on its own, a dismiss but an affirmation. Furthermore, I won't say the OP is derailing (denying via privilege), because I don't think you can really derail your own train, so long as you remain on the thesis-track you'd laid down*. (Though I concede an OP can definitely assist a derailment, if unintentionally; all it takes is getting caught in a back-and-forth with a respondent especially skilled in classical derailing.) -

  • [info]ssquirrel_fic: Meta: commenting - As a writer I love feedback. Somebody saying 'aww' or 'I liked this' is enough to make me smile. I've had people leave more detailed feedback - how the fic affected them etc - which has had me grinning like an idiot for days. But, I don't expect people to comment. Just as I don't want to leave crit, others find the joy sucked out of fandom by being expected to participate. If you want to lurk, by all means lurk! =] -

  • [ profile] torino10154: Canon vs. Fanon vs. OMC/OFC - How far can you take a character from canon before the character is no longer himself or herself but is in fact an OMC or OFC? If Snape grows up with the Princes in a manor is he Snape? If Harry's parents live is he Harry? What about settings, non-magic, etc? Or does it take a certain combination of factors, not just one significant change? -
    (tags: canon fanfic)

  • [ profile] the_willow: Once We Let 'Those People' Into The Neighbhourhood It Was All Downhill - And it all boils down in my ears to "The Meta In Fandom Is Moving In Directions I Don't Like." And I cannot even say then those people should instigate the meta they do like to see, because the fact is, fandom and fans are changing (slower than molasses in winter, but still). And the old meta was rather one sided and privileged and exclusionary. The new dimensions in meta are here to stay. Calling it 'The ruin of fandom' really isn't going to make it go away and it certainly won't stop the momentum that's built up. -
    (tags: meta)

  • [ profile] betnoir: No saving throw - (or "Why the death of your Beloved!Character is not the end of my world") -

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