metafandom's Journal


13th March 2010

9:38pm: Saturday, March 13, 2010
  • [ profile] zing_och: your hit counter is lying - Lots of hits / not many comments doesn't have to mean "people read the story but don't like it". -
    (tags: comments)

  • [ profile] lanjelin: Yaoi, slash, and characterisation - This is the origin for the wars of who's seme and who's uke in shounen-ai fandom. It's not actually about the positions, it's a disagreement on characterisation. -

  • [info]betnoir: The stories we tell each other - So there was this panel at Gallifrey - "Fan Reactions to Character Deaths." And it was intense and difficult and fantastic all wrapped up in a bundle of making me feel awkward and touched all at once. -

  • [ profile] merryish: So, I've been following the various disc - Maybe it's just that I'm less jaded, now that I've been on Dreamwidth for a while and see how different it can be. But I'm finding myself persuaded by the argument that by crossposting, I'm providing LJ with the content it requires to stand in competition with Dreamwidth for fannish participation. I mean, on the one hand, crossposting makes it easier for fans on LJ to read my journal entries if they want to, without bothering with Open ID or RSS or whatever. But on the other hand, by crossposting to LJ, I'm providing Our Corporate Overlords with the content that helps them keep fans on LJ...on LJ. And as time goes by, I'm less and less happy about that. -

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