metafandom's Journal


11th February 2010

10:43am: Wednesday, February 10, 2010

  • zvi: Concerning the nature of the World Wide Web and hypertext essays - If you wish to prevent large numbers of unknowns from reading or responding to what you have written, if you do not want people to be able to compare and contrast your work with other work to which you have not deliberately contributed, I advise you to choose a medium other than the World Wide Web in which to publish. -
    (tags: discussions)

  • alixtii: On the Transformativity of Fanworks - On a scale of 0 and 10, with 0 being "not at all transformative" and 10 being "the most transformative I can possibly imagine," how transformative is fanfiction as a genre? -

  • amaresu: Mini Meta Fest: Real life and fandom (divergency and/or connections) - I think that we (general we) have a tendency to think that fandom is something special. That it's this big secret and we are the sacred gatekeepers. And it's just really not. It's not that fandom isn't special, it's just not special in the Super Sekrit Club sense. Because fannish activities happen all the time and they're committed by people who may not even know what "fandom" is. -
    (tags: fandom)

  • legionseagle: Structures of Argument; Structure of Discord - Picture my horror the other day on the interwebs when someone delivered themselves of a claim (which they led me to believe derived from instructions given in their high school debating club) that the floodgates argument and the slippery slope arguments were alike "logical fallacies" and that their introduction into debate "automatically means the other side wins". . . . it seems to me that in all likelihood this so-called prohibition on the slippery slope argument and the floodgates argument is like those nonsensical prohibitions on the passive voice and the adveb; "If they might do it too much, forbid them from doing it at all."

  • [info]lady_ganesh: The abused kids of fandom and you (warning, meta ahead) - I started thinking about all the Abused Kids of Fandom. Holy smokes the list is long. . . .I remember back in the day, people in Sentinel fandom would give Blair this Big Angsty Abusive Storyline, and it kind of cracks me up that dude-- a lot of us have Big Angsty Abusive Storylines, and no one in my circle writes them. -

  • [info]besame_bj: Fanfic to Original Fiction (Again) - I don't know all the details and, as with anything else in fandom, I'm sure there's two sides to the story, but I was struck by some of the things kaigou said. -

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