metafandom's Journal


3rd January 2010

9:38pm: Sunday, January 3, 2010

  • giandujakiss | I hesitated to post this because I fear the wrath that may rain on my head, but.... - ...I gotta say, every time I read a dispute about AO3 or OTW or the Yuletide move, my head explodes from the sheer irrationality of the critics. And what I literally can't get over is the absolutely implacable and unwavering resistance to facts expressed by every single person I've ever seen voice an objection. -
    (tags: ao3 otw yuletide)

  • tzikeh: It's past time to cut through this fucking buillshit. - I have no problem with people who don't like/don't want to participate in the OTW if their philosophies are in direct conflict, but I am so done with people who are against the OTW with absolutely no facts to back up their opposition. -
    (tags: ao3 otw fandom)

  • sarken: Queer Character Tags on AO3, Current and Future - here is a list of some possible tags compiled largely from the earlier discussion about queer character tags. It's not even close to being exhaustive, and, like I said, I'm not advocating for or against any particular tag, so if you have any suggestions, I'm more than happy to add them. -

  • thuviaptarth: Vidding: Background reading (1/2) - "I dislike this piecemeal learning!" I told her. "It is haphazard and uncomprehensive. I want courses! I want background reading! I want a series of set texts that cover the basics from a variety of different perspectives. Why are there no books on vidding to make things easy for me?" "There are books on vidding," Laura said in surprise. "Just read books on film editing." -

  • thingswithwings: Having just participated in two gift exc - Having just participated in two gift exchanges[...] and having combed through many many Dear Writer and Dear Vidder letters and seen quite the gamut of approaches to prompt-writing, and having written my own near-epic prompts for both of those exchanges [...], I wonder where other people fall along this continuum. -
    (tags: exchanges poll)

  • jadelennox: Why talking about these things is awesome - I can't prove it and I'm too lazy to run numbers, but I feel like I saw many more stories featuring characters of color in this year's Yuletide than in previous years. -
    (tags: yuletide race)

  • alias_sqbr: [in fan_comics] Places to post multi-page fancomics - I post my single page comics to DeviantArt first but if they actually have a bit of a story I also post them to AO3, working on the assumption that the presumably-fanfic-oriented readers there probably aren't looking for out and out fanart but might enjoy a story-in-pictures. I also posted some fanart that was linked to a fic but generally don't see the point. -
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