metafandom's Journal


2nd January 2010

12:04am: Wednesday December 30, 2009 - Friday, January 1, 2010

  • [info]redbrunja: The Yuletide Move - You know, I am really not pleased about the Yuletide mods' policy of silence about the move to the A03. -

  • [info]oulangi: The 2009 Fridgelist - long as we subscribe to this trickle-down fannomics model, it behoves us to scrutinize what and from where it's trickling down. (I'm going to agree with Galbraith that it's really a "Horse and Sparrow" theory, As in "If you feed the horse enough oats, eventually some will pass through to the road for the sparrows";) And, well, screw them. The great thing about fandom and fanworks is that these outdated supply-side models cease to work. -

  • [info]vehemently: My data hate you now. - I have done very little Yuletide reading. I find the AO3 interface loathesome at times, ugly to look at and awkward to use. -
    (tags: yuletide ao3)

  • [info]yhlee: noodlings on the writing of flashfic - Language is important because, in a piece that short--especially if it's at the very very short end--every word counts. -
    (tags: writing)

  • [info]vector: random musings - I've been thinking a lot lately about the difference between being in a large fandom versus a small one, because I am apparently in this bizarre space where I actually write for bigger fandoms during Yuletide than I do normally. -

  • [info]sqbr: Drawing the Other - I've pondered this with regards to my own (small amount of) writing, but about a year ago had the sudden realisation that it applied to my art too: When I tried drawing the original SGA team for a prompt I realised that my drawing style really didn't suit dark skin. And when I looked back at my art I realised I'd never drawn anyone very dark, and instead had lots and lots of skinny able-bodied youngish white people, both in my original characters and my fanart [...] So I've been trying to fix it. I made my mental default skin tone for original characters darker, and made an effort to draw more dark skinned characters in fanart. When I'd been doing that for a while I decided to branch out and asked for Fanart prompts: not skinny youngish white people. -
    (tags: Art race fanart)

  • [info]poisontaster: I Dreamed About Ray Charles Last Night - That is to say, once I have posted this story, what is the point of offering me concrit about it? -

  • [info]jae: 2009 yuletide writers, show thyselves! - The more significant milestone, though, is that this was the first non-English source I've ever written....Hmm, if I write it in German... it will make an already limited readership for this tiny fandom even more limited. And I've never written anything creative in German at all--maybe that would be harrrrrd! But if I write it in English, how the hell do I even do that? I mean, all of the tried-and-true methods of finding a character's voice are rather reliant on the story';s dialogue at least being in the same language...aren't they? -

  • [info]hradzka: yuletide 2009: hit counts, comments, and predictions for 2010 - So, other than "Adam Lambert is eating the universe" what do these figures mean for Yuletide trends, and what can we predict for next Yuletide? -

  • [info]2_perseph: Coming Clean: 2009 & The End of Dumb Things - Fandom is a space created outside of mainstream culture and existing exclusively for the creation of derivative works of art or fiction. It is, and has to be by nature subcultural and nonexclusive.

    And the argument I'm making is that fandom is on life support, undergoing a transition that could fundamentally change, and kill it. Here's why.

  • [info]franzeska: Not Really a Comics Fan: Superheroes, Manga, vitriol, and the OTW - Manga aren't this special, different, non-comics thing. DC and Marvel aren't the only American comics publishers. Whether we're singling these things out because we think they're good or because we hate them, the division is still moronic, not because everyone who likes one should like the other but because there are so many other comics out there. It's an embarrassing false dichotomy that I wish people would stop believing in. -
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