metafandom's Journal


23rd December 2009

9:29pm: Tuesday, December 22, 2009

  • [info]deird1: Mental Story Whiplash - You see, if I know what direction the story's heading in, I can sit back and enjoy the ride. Any more spoilery info will just... well... spoil. -

  • [info]penknife: Vidders, why so mysterious? - But if you're going to (very nicely) make your vids available for download from your website, could you please include some kind of summary? At least pairing or main character, and maybe some hint at "the point of this vid is"? ("... that John and somebody are very hot together"? "... that death and tragedy is tragic?" "... that Atlantis, like Camelot, is a silly place?") -
    (tags: vidding)

  • xie_xie_xie: metafandom and its discontents - Nutshell: They aren't linking to much meta lately. Why? -
    (tags: fandom meta)

  • facetofcathy: Fanlore log. - Lately, and I mean the last several months, the wiki is being edited by only three or four people on a regular basis, and their focus has been on 'zines. That's not of interest to me, and the project seems to be withering on the vine. -
    (tags: otw wikis)
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